Insulin feeling sick

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Melinda J

I have type 2 diabetes.I take 4 metformin a day plus blood pressure tablets and insulin which I started on 8 weeks ago.I feel constantly sick.Please help .
I have type 2 diabetes.I take 4 metformin a day plus blood pressure tablets and insulin which I started on 8 weeks ago.I feel constantly sick.Please help .
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Has the nausea been since you started the insulin or did you have it before as some people get problems of stomach issues and nausea with metformin.
It would be worth talking to your diabetic nurse about it.
What insulins are you taking and how is that managing your blood glucose as if that is erratic that could also be causing nausea.
My diabetes levels went sky high due to falling down stairs and breaking a few bones and being hospitalised.The diabetic nurse has been adjusting my insulin.I also take statins.Reading still a bit all over the place.I take 8 units of tumalog 25% insulin line spro and 75% insulin lisped protanine suspension. evening only .Disnt have sickness at first.If anything getting worse
What’s your blood sugar like @Melinda J ? Do you have a means of testing for ketones? Do you have any other symptoms apart from nausea?
They range from 6.3 to 10.2.I am about to purchase a keytone monitor which my diabetic nurse did suggest.I burp a lot but otherwise no other symptoms.Just feel rotten.Thanks for your reply.
So your blood sugar isn’t too high then - that’s good. A ketone meter or Ketostix (urine dipsticks) would be a sensible precaution. Perhaps it’s the Metforminor perhaps it’s an unrelated digestive issue? Have you seen a doctor about it?
Your levels are good, which rules out you feeling this way because of levels.
Speak to your health care team as it is not right you feel this way for so long. Must be something going on.
Thank you.I don't think so as balance ok and don't feel dizzy.Hoping blood test will throw some light on it and that I will find an anti sickness tablet that works.
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