insulin and work/movin about

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hey all,

just wondered if any of you take less insulin if your workin and like movin about all the time, compared to when your not workin and not movin about all the time?

i have noticed that when im at work i take more hypos than when im not at work, i think its because im always movin about and i just would like to know if my insulin should be halfed or how i should go about it??

hey all,

just wondered if any of you take less insulin if your workin and like movin about all the time, compared to when your not workin and not movin about all the time?

i have noticed that when im at work i take more hypos than when im not at work, i think its because im always movin about and i just would like to know if my insulin should be halfed or how i should go about it??



I worked nights in a factory a couple of years ago to earn some extra money. It was really hard work and I definitely needed less insulin!

Maybe you should call your DSN and tell them that you have noticed you hypo more whilst at work and ask them by how much you should reduce it by?
I adjust my novorapid when I'm at work to account for being more active. I keep my lantus the same. For my breakfast I might not take any insulin at all, when I eat at work I will reduce my novorapid doses slightly. I don't have a set amount by which I reduce it, i tend to go more on how I feel and how work is going.

sounds like you could do with some reduction, is there any patterns to your hypos at work? might help you work out if you should do a basal or bolus reduction.

Some days I'm sitting down all day others on my feet walking about shifting gear, definately a difference in amount of Insulin required, I don't change my levemir, but like sofarway I would rather miss my breaky jab to make sure I don't hypo, had a bad one after I had to walk 2.5 miles to a site! I guess I would say it's trial and error, with testing to help you out, I haven't noticed an exact ratio change as I may eat more when I'm more active.

Hope you sort it out soon.

Some days I'm sitting down all day others on my feet walking about shifting gear, definately a difference in amount of Insulin required, I don't change my levemir, but like sofarway I would rather miss my breaky jab to make sure I don't hypo, had a bad one after I had to walk 2.5 miles to a site! I guess I would say it's trial and error, with testing to help you out, I haven't noticed an exact ratio change as I may eat more when I'm more active.

Hope you sort it out soon.

I definately change my ratios when working. My job is varied in amount of activity, but generally if im having a particularly active day, i will stop for a snack if needed and reduce my insulin (up ratio slightly) when i have a mealat work.

definately speak to your dsn to advise you on your particular circumstances. personally i would never not take any insulin with a meal, but we are all diffierent. I know i would go sky high if i did that, ( i think, because i havent actually tried it 🙄), hope that helps a bit.
I definately change my ratios when working. My job is varied in amount of activity, but generally if im having a particularly active day, i will stop for a snack if needed and reduce my insulin (up ratio slightly) when i have a mealat work.

definately speak to your dsn to advise you on your particular circumstances. personally i would never not take any insulin with a meal, but we are all diffierent. I know i would go sky high if i did that, ( i think, because i havent actually tried it 🙄), hope that helps a bit.

sorry, just got up, reply meant for little miss 😛,
I adjust my novorapid when I'm at work to account for being more active. I keep my lantus the same. For my breakfast I might not take any insulin at all, when I eat at work I will reduce my novorapid doses slightly. I don't have a set amount by which I reduce it, i tend to go more on how I feel and how work is going.

sounds like you could do with some reduction, is there any patterns to your hypos at work? might help you work out if you should do a basal or bolus reduction.

well it happens usually 1-2 hours after i have had my lunch and then im ok for like an hour or so then i go hypo again. grrrrr lol
Hey all, Im struggling with insulin and work because im now down to 2 units of novorapid at lunch time for 4 slices of bread with chicken or cheese with mayonaise, a pacaket of crisps and a mini roll cake bar and sometimes im still going hypo two or threee hours later.

i am going to have to phone the clinic tommorow and try and get this sorted. i just cant believe how little insulin i need. my lantus has came down from 17 to 12 when im working but when im not working i do a ratio of 1:10 and i seem to be ok, but workin i have no idea what ratio to do. i cant wait to go on the dafne course !

if any1 could help then that would be great 🙂

im startin to think that i dont need insulin at lunch times but then im too scared incase my levels go through the roof !

lol anyway any thoughts would be appreciated thank you xxx
sounds like you are doing the right thing by reducing it down until you prevent the hypo's.
Do you get an afternoon break? you could try having a small snack at around 3 hours. How are your blood sugars before your lunch?

I at times will not take any insulin with a meal, like I said earlier in this thread. I would check with your DSN if this is an option for you.
i find that my ratio drops when im in work. this is due to the fact im always on the move and find it better to have a few snacks through the day as well as my meals.
sounds like you are doing the right thing by reducing it down until you prevent the hypo's.
Do you get an afternoon break? you could try having a small snack at around 3 hours. How are your blood sugars before your lunch?

I at times will not take any insulin with a meal, like I said earlier in this thread. I would check with your DSN if this is an option for you.

no i dont get an afternoon break unless im workin 9-6 but i usually work 11-6, so i get lunch between 1-2pm then then im going hypo about 4pm. i could maybe have a cereal bar at that time, im sure my manager wouldnt mind.

before lunch it can vary between 3-9, sometimes i go hypo before my lunch.

its all so frustrating lol how would i know if i shouldnt take insulin at lunch ??
or maybe its my brekkie one i shouldnt take??

thanks for your advice 🙂
hows it going?

I have 3 reguimes in all. Doesnt it get complicated?!

One for a day off, one for a day with an afternoon gym session, and one for a work day where I start work at 8am and finish at 8.30pm.

This is one of the reasons my DSN thinks I will do well on a pump, I can format different programmes for whichever day I am on. I fiind that physical activity really mucks me up but in order to get a better rationale of what eaxtly do do in a days work I once wore a pedomoetre! OMG i nearly resigned when I discovered the mileage I was clocking up over 12 hours, but it was very helpful in knowing what a sustained level of a slightly higher metabolism was doing to my body and how to treat it. I dont want to sound cocky like Ive got it sussed, becuase although it may sound so, I am completely incompetant in my accounting for stress. Ho-hum.

Do you keep a BG diary? once you get to the DAFNE course you will master it, very useful in looking back at your work figures and reviewing those ratio's....
i think i need different ratios for different times.

at tea time i do 1:15 ratio and that seems to work, but thats all i know lol
haha. its all so confusin, i feel as if i will never get anywhere
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