Inspirational Quotes

Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.
People will always become what you think they are.
To achieve greatness: Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.
When things go pear shaped or less politely tits up, there is usually an explanation, it might just be elusive.
If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew you never knew.
Why wait for the storm to pass when you can dance in the rain?

This always reminds me of a trip I took to Ghana where we were waiting for a deluge to pass before the local village provided a dance show in the village square. The village had no mod cons like tarmac - the square was just mud and the visitors were huddled under a tarpaulin on plastic chairs. The band was playing behind us and we could just hear them over the roar of the rain. It poured and poured and poured. But it was warm. After about 20 minutes, someone in our group got bored with waiting so got up, in the rain, on the mud and started dancing. After 5 minutes, all the visitors were dancing and the villagers were laughing at "our show". Five minutes later, everyone was dancing in the torrential rain feeling the mud between our toes. It was one of the highlights of that trip.
"Goddammit, I'd piss on a spark plug if I thought it'd do any good!"

General Beringer - War games

(Me changing diet when I was diagnosed and started eating nuts and celery)
I was singing the Disney quote.

I have another (non Disney) one, that was inspirational.

"A family sized quiche is NOT a snack"

That was my NHS dietician after I did my first weekly food diary!
To be fair, it started my change of eating habits, and I can still hear her saying it even now! :rofl:
“The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg.....
I always think this is a phrase worth remembering when things are not so good.

God grant me the patience to bear that which cannot be changed, the courage to change that which can be, and the wisdom to know the difference.
I always think this is a phrase worth remembering when things are not so good.

God grant me the patience to bear that which cannot be changed, the courage to change that which can be, and the wisdom to know the difference.
I’ve heard the phrase mentioned on tv shows before.