Inspiration anyone?!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone
I know i don't post on here very often but i do try an read the posts from everyone when i can. One thing that i have noticed is that a lot of people seem to get a bit down in the dumps quite easily especially when it comes to having diabetes.
Now don't get me wrong i've had my fair amount of trouble with my diabetes and with life in general but i hope this can help people.....

.... I'm currently in New Zealand. i've been here for 2 months now and i'm planning to stay here until at least christmas if not longer. I have all my medication with me and i've been travelling around with it. keeping it in fridges of each hostel i've been staying in and keeping in in a cool bag on journeys. I've got my supply of sweets for hypos, my glycogen, my testing kist and ketone sticks. And so far i've not had any trouble (touch wood) and i've been having a faboulous time.
I've seen some amazing scenery, met some wonderful people, been swimming with dolphins, been snowboarding on fresh NZ snow, i've seen penguins on the beach, parrots in the snow and i've walked along some amazing beaches.

For those who haven't yet been here, i recommend it to all.
Life can be hard but you just have to think positive and take things a step at a time. big things are possible! I've had diabetes for 3 and a half years and for a long time i never thought i trip like this would be possible but i've proved myself wrong and i'm so happy that i have.

Keep smiling everyone🙂 x x x
I am realy pleased you are having sucha wonderful time. I'm also envious you got to swim with dolphins, so a big lottery win will do to take the family and we can all have a great time,

Do keep us posted when you can as it is always nice to hear others are having fun.
Fran, great to hear from you! And fantastic to see that you are having such a fabulous time! Not jealous at all...:D

Stories like this really do inspire me (and I'm sure many others - particularly those recently diagnosed). To see someone having such an adventure and just dealing with the diabetes along the way is brilliant to hear, so thank you!🙂

Hope you do get to stay until Christmas - you should write up your experiences when you get back, I'm sure it will prove invaluable for others planning similar trips :D
Frantastic - always great to read about NZ, although I have some mixed feelings, as my diabetes was diagnosed at a SCUBA medical, while working as a guide on seal & dolphin swimming tours at Kaikoura (fur seals are more fun to swim with than dolphins, by the way). Diagnosis meant an end to hopes to professional SCUBA diving, and with it an end to hope of emigrating. But, you're right, travelling isn't a problem - best locations since diagnosis include Andes in Ecuador, Patagonia, Chile, Argentina, Falkland Islands, South Georgia, hut to hut ski touring in Norway, Atlas Mountains in Morocco etc.

I've named all 3 of my cats over the years after New Zealand birds. Hope you haven't missed the royal albatross colony on Otago Peninsula? A bit further east along the peninsula from the yellow eyes penguin beaches.

A general appeal to everyone to avoid any place that has captive dolphins - they need to be free in family groups.
hi there Fran nice to hear from you , sounds like your having a whale of a time i so wish i was there haha, Like been said it would be great once your back to post us all the experieces you had etc etc xx
Hi Fran , I'm glad you are having such a good time and pleasant experience :D This is a very possitive and encouraging thing for all Diabetics to see not just Newbies ...... Life really does go on and Diabetes will only stop you doing things if you let it !! Thankyou for posting this 🙂🙂🙂
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Very inspiring! And so lovely to hear such positive words 🙂
Great to hear you are having a fantastic time! Im glad you shared this with us- I am abit hung up on the fact that this kind of trip is scary and difficult if you have to manage your diabetes, so its reat to know you are finding it so managable.

I have swam a few times with dolphins in Eilat in the red sea in Israel. If this is something you have really enjoyed I really recommend you make a trip to Eilat. If you ever think of it and want some info, get in touch! It is well worth a visit.

Stay safe and enjoy your travels!
Lou x
Please note that the bottlenose dolphins at Eilat are enclosed in pools, not free living like the dusky dolphins at Kaikoura. Also, there are several places around UK & Eire coasts where you stand a very good chance of seeing whales and dolphins in natural environments.
Hi Fran ...

Wow so glad you are having an amazing and positive experience ... an inspiration to other diabetics .. Stay safe and enjoy the rest of your trip.

Hi everyone
Thanks for all your lovely messages.
I forgot to add on my first message that i went on a DAFNE course a couple of months before i left and it was fantastic. It's made things even easier for me and set me up for life.I've been eating out a lot and enjoying all the nz food without any worries.
The food here is a lot like what we get at home which helps too.

I'll try and keep you all updated with my travels if i can and hopefully keep spreading the inspiration 🙂
Thanks for posting Fran :D I'm glad you are still having such a goodtime ! Im sooo jealous 😉 You are an inspiration to alot of people , keep up the posting ... and the fun !! :D
I love this post. One of the things I feel most wary of is whether my son will be able to travel etc to his heart's content. Wonderful to read this.

Thanks for posting!
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