Insight pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I know that on the Combo once you have set a multiwave or extended bolus, if you then want to add in an extra bolus (eg for extra carbs added later) you only have access to a standard bolus.
On the Insight is there the facility to stack and extended or multiwave on top of one already set?
Is there no one using an insight?
Yes but give us a chance - I have a life! LOL

Dunno since I haven't tried it - only had a standard one. BUTTTT, wouldn't the processing capacity of the pump need to be ma-hoo-sive to cope with doing that; and isn't it rather unlikely? I mean no other pump offers it AFAIK and they don't advertise that it does anywhere, and wouldn't they if it did?
Yes but give us a chance - I have a life! LOL

Dunno since I haven't tried it - only had a standard one. BUTTTT, wouldn't the processing capacity of the pump need to be ma-hoo-sive to cope with doing that; and isn't it rather unlikely? I mean no other pump offers it AFAIK and they don't advertise that it does anywhere, and wouldn't they if it did?

Sorry! This was was mentioned at a pump follow up meeting as something that people thought might be available on the Insight. It does not seem that complex as it could just be added in to the previous multiwave or extended.

It was a common gripe at the meeting but we were all on Combos at the time. I am not in any way knowledgeable about other pumps. I have found that there has been enough to deal with getting rates and ratios checked and adjusted regularly and managing other stuff.

I am only just starting to look at what next as I will come up to my four years next Feb and thought that I would start doing my homework. I have spotted some negative feedback about the insight, which I am hooping gets sorted as I have been very happy with Accu Chek support.
Yes you can. According to the manual:
'You can add a Standard or Quick Bolus to an ongoing Extended Bolus and one additional Extended or Multiwave Bolus.'
I dont have one, so I dont know the details.
Yes you can. According to the manual:
'You can add a Standard or Quick Bolus to an ongoing Extended Bolus and one additional Extended or Multiwave Bolus.'
I dont have one, so I dont know the details.

Thanks Annette.
Oh God, I haven't read the Manual. It's far easier to wait until you need something before you try to do stuff because if I only learn the theory and then don't need it for years, and I have never to my knowledge needed this so far, I'm most unlikely to remember it.

For instance I have a meal for which I need a Multi-wave, so that's happily chugging away. An our after eating it, with some time left to go, I decide I'd really love some pud. It's another 40g CHO so I have a quick bolus of 4.0u because the pud is all fast acting. It's always worked fine.
I have wanted the facility of double extended bolus when I have been at a party, or book club and have set an extended bolus, and then the snacks have been more prolific and my resolve has weakened.

That is a plus for the Insight, as well as the Bluetooth facility, which is don't think that all the others have, but they might by the time my time on the Combo is up.
Oh God, I haven't read the Manual. It's far easier to wait until you need something before you try to do stuff because if I only learn the theory and then don't need it for years, and I have never to my knowledge needed this so far, I'm most unlikely to remember it.

For instance I have a meal for which I need a Multi-wave, so that's happily chugging away. An our after eating it, with some time left to go, I decide I'd really love some pud. It's another 40g CHO so I have a quick bolus of 4.0u because the pud is all fast acting. It's always worked fine.
Well, exactly :D Why learn how to do something that you don't need to do right now, cos by the time you do need to,you'll need to learn how to again. But that facility was one of the things I was looking forward to on the insight, until my clinic decided they were too unreliable and I had to get another combo instead. So because I knew it could do it, I knew where to look!
I am kind of glad that they are still making the combos if the insight is so unreliable, so I may have to just stick with what I have had before, and develop more resistance to those extras!! I can't think of anything else that bothers me on the Combo, but who knows what will be available in another year.
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