Insight Pump - Deep sigh .....

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So there we were at 7am this morning in beddy byes and my pump alarms. I failed to be disgusted since it doesn't even get down to 50% now before it runs out. I pressed the button to shut it up and went back to sleep. Last night it said 70% so I didn't think it would be that quick. You do get a couple of hours leeway after the alrm till it goes into meltdown (LOL)

I got up a bit later, Pete was already up, he'd still been half asleep until the pump had disturbed him, then didn't want to go back to sleep again as he needed to leave at 10.30 this morning to get to the hosp for 11.30. Thought to myself - it's about time, woman, that you got your act together and did this yourself.

It's a tad (euphemism for bloody) difficult to swing the cartridge holder round but not take it out completely so the piston doesn't rewind and then you have to re-prime, hold the pump steady (all surfaces rounded so you can't stand it somewhere, slide the slidey thing back and hold it back, whilst simultaneously lifting the battery keeper handle then hold that to press and turn the battery keeper, to get that one out. Then stick the new one in and do it again in reverse.

The stupid handle broke off, meanwhile the force you have to apply to hold the slidey thing back with my left thumbnail had lifted the top layer of one side of my nail completely off the soft underpart. Great. (This happens all the while - nobody can tell me what to do about my nails doing this and I have tried every proprietary product I've ever seen. They also split regularly vertically from the bit still attached to the last part of the nail bed to the 'free' end - makes no difference whether I pare em down to the bed as far as I possibly can or leave em a bit longer - I have totally given uup wanting to have nice symmetrical nails ages ago. Sometimes I get a V in them. other times it's a U with a flat bottom - two splits a mm apart, joined at the bottom with a straight line; three sides of a square.)

So I detached and brought the pump in to Pete to try for me. I had got a new battery retainer for the new one, fortunately. Of course, the cartridge had to come out by this time and the piston rewound. Took him half an hour, but he managed it.

Seriously - if anything should happen to him - I would have to go back to MDI until the pathetic thing runs out - only 1,118 days to go ...... I wouldn't be able to carry on pumping anyway since I can't use my front due to bad absorption despite having 'rested' it since 2009, so that only leaves 3 sites on my inner thighs and each bum cheek, so 12 in total. I can't reach any of the bum cheek ones - he has to do them. I can't even attach and detach from them.

Is there some SIMPLE way to change a battery that doesn't involve needing at least 3 if not 4 hands?
Ouch, I feel your pain. My nails do the same, and no I've never found a solution either. I have resorted to superglue over the ends when I've got a particularly precarious split threatening to snag painfully on anything and everything. But apart from that, I normally sport the u shaped bits on several of them!
Sounds like a Krypton Factor puzzle to me!
Been on pump since Monday changed my Canula this evening and my sugars are now 26.2 it has supposedly done a correction now, finding it hard trying to work it!!!!
Been on pump since Monday changed my Canula this evening and my sugars are now 26.2 it has supposedly done a correction now, finding it hard trying to work it!!!!
Welcome Tracy . 26.2 is high. I don't know what you have eaten/been doing but has your diabetic team not given you a number to ring. How long have you had T1 ? Is it dropping ?
I had dinner administered insulin from pump, but then I changed my cartridge and cannula so guessing insulin wasn't getting through to be that high, I last checked at 10.26, the pump says it gave me 6 units correctional so will check in 15mins as that will be an hour. I'm supposed to be fasting and throughout the night but without correctional doses
I had dinner administered insulin from pump, but then I changed my cartridge and cannula so guessing insulin wasn't getting through to be that high, I last checked at 10.26, the pump says it gave me 6 units correctional so will check in 15mins as that will be an hour. I'm supposed to be fasting and throughout the night but without correctional doses
Hi. Sorry I have no idea about pumps so I cannot help, I just wanted to say hi and welcome.
I hope you can get your BG level down soon.
Thats much better 10.26 ! "I love my pump". You don't need me to tell you to take care. Its a funny game at times ?. Look after yourself 🙂
Did you prime the cannula after reattaching? Are there any air bubbles in the tubing?

Even if not - unhook it and turn the pump onto 'prime' and wait until the insulin starts dripping out of the tubing - and then hit 'stop' on the pump - did the insulin sting or anything when you bloused or corrected? have you massaged all round the cannula site - even on top of the edges of the sticky - does any of it feel odd or painful - if so it's almost certain it's the site - so stick another one in elsewhere and try that.

Just the common things I'm suggesting here - you will get there!

@Northerner - could you please move this to another thread, cos it's nowt to do with my probs and deserves a thread of its own, so that Tracy gets the right advice from other pumpers, instead of dismissing me, just having a whinge!
Hi TracyAnn. Just a thought - did you prime the cannula after putting it in. I have not got enough fingers on which to count the number of times I have forgotten to do that!! If you forgot that and then did the correction it would take time to get through before any insulin was tackling the high. With the correction etc this won't count as a fasting check on the basal rates, but I am hoping that you have a DSN to contact to help you sort this out. If not keep asking on here.
Also it sounds as if the basal rate is not set appropriately for you if you are getting those levels without eating. Talk to the DSN tomorrow or whoever is doing your pump training. It really is worth working at this as once you have it matched to your needs it will be a lot more flexible.
Also it sounds as if the basal rate is not set appropriately for you if you are getting those levels without eating. Talk to the DSN tomorrow or whoever is doing your pump training. It really is worth working at this as once you have it matched to your needs it will be a lot more flexible.
Thanks everyone just spoken to Roche and my insulin hadn't loaded up into the tube, hence my sugars being so high!
Thanks everyone just spoken to Roche and my insulin hadn't loaded up into the tube, hence my sugars being so high!
I am glad you got it sorted
Thanks everyone just spoken to Roche and my insulin hadn't loaded up into the tube, hence my sugars being so high!
Glad you got an answer from Roche. Manufacturers are usually very helpful - after all, they want their products to be successful and popular.
Welcome to the forum. Please consider introducing yourself by starting a thread in Newbies section.
As I said, when you prime the tube, wait till it's dripping out of the end before you attach the tubing to the cannula. Then, cos you know the insulin is sitting there at the gateway to the cannula - prime the cannula.

Still - think of it this way - you'll NEVER do that again will you!
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