Insight Pump Carts

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
How long has the 'use within 7 days' warning been on the packets (on the dispensing notice) I only noticed it this time cos it had spread over onto 2 labels but the last one, all on one notice.

Also read the PIL - OK out of the fridge for 14 days then must be used in next 7 days.

I've only been using em about 5 years and first time I've noticed either LOL

Is it cos they're so little?
With self fill cartridges they always say use within 3 days. I used mine until empty with no ill effect when using bovine insulin. I have to change every 3 days in the winter and every 2 days in the summer as Fiasp doesn't do heat that well.
Fancy that - I used Novorapid in my refillable 3.1whatever ml Combo reservoir till that was empty too - though in scorchio temperatures I did only half fill them even though it was a complete PITA priming them, occupational hazard when the job is 'keeping me alive' isn't it? LOL

This is academic for me cos no way do the pump carts last me 7 days anyway Sue - just that I didn't recall it saying this before and wanted someone to tell me whether I really am that unobservant cos it's always been there, or not !
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