Insect Bites

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
When I was in Opthalmology on Monday I had a sensation that something had bitten me and saw a series if bites just above my right wrist. By evening it was itching like fury. I try not to scratch but have no idea what I do in an exhausted sleep caused by phantom pain! Anyway the area has stopped itching but looks like this (below). Any idea what type of insect/flea would cause this? It is a very busy clinic and some patients are not exactly what I would class as "clean"!

Could they be flea bites?
@MikeyBikey those might be bedbug bites - it is a while since I've come across them, and those would be a few days old now - it might be fleas, as they are similar, but keep a lookout for further bites.
Bedbugs can go some time between attacks, as the females only need the blood before laying eggs and they mature in a week or so depending on the temperature, but once they get settled in they are very difficult to eradicate. I suggest putting all your washing through a hot wash, or into a bag in the freezer for several days if it is not going to survive the temperature. Deal with everything in the washing pile so there is nowhere for them to linger, change the bedding and wash that, use the upholstery brush around the folds of the mattress and headboard. A couple of days housework might prevent months of misery.
The talk of bed bugs may me itch everywhere when went to bed. I even got Phantom Itching in the leg I haven't got!
Would Anhisan help? I have used it for insect bites picked up out on works as, for some reason, insects like to make a meal of me. Watch for any redness or swelling spreading from the affected area as it can be a sign that the bites are infected.
Witch Hazel is good for bites, too. We always have a tube in our First Aid Kit.

This talk of bed bugs reminds me of when we lived in Libya back in 1958/9. They were a constant presence, along with cockroaches, flies and mosquitoes. The ceiling fans were always covered in flies and we slept under mosquito nets. We had fly sprays and if you sprayed under our fridge loads of cockroaches would run out in all directions. I used to do it to scare my two sisters (9 and 7).
I hope they clear up soon, and you get no more. I always find anthisan is good

Such a random coincidence that you posted bites - I got bitten at home sunday night and again tuesday night (4 in total). My bites look like gnat bites which I react badly to. I'm now using an insect repellent and will be on antihistamines until a few days after the last bite!
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I would definitely consider bed bugs as suggested by Drummer - were any of the chairs in Opthalmology upholstered, or were all plastic chairs? I have read of a library having to be treated for bed bugs before.

Out of curiosity I googled 'what bit me' and found this - just from the choice on that page the flea or bed bug seems closest match to your bites
When I was in Opthalmology on Monday I had a sensation that something had bitten me and saw a series if bites just above my right wrist. By evening it was itching like fury. I try not to scratch but have no idea what I do in an exhausted sleep caused by phantom pain! Anyway the area has stopped itching but looks like this (below). Any idea what type of insect/flea would cause this? It is a very busy clinic and some patients are not exactly what I would class as "clean"!

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Definitely not bug bites btw.
My lower legs are covered in them. My right lower leg in particular has maybe 6 or 7 times as much as that. Including little scars from where some have healed (I know they don't LOOK like they'd scar).
Please let me know if you find out what they are. I thought maybe I was scratching myself in my sleep, or that it was sort of diabetic rash.
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