Input wanted - Language matter pregnancy & diabetes lived experience survey - Via Dr Partha Kar Instagram


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Folks,

Sorry admins I wasn't sure on the process here, I hope I meet the rules. Not added into the pregnancy group, but please move if needed.

I noticed Dr Partha Kar posted on Instagram this morning, this link and images

It seems to be for anyone with a link to a diabetic person who has been pregnant. Worth inputting if you can. As I was told so many of these things, big baby, asked am I worried about her getting diabetes too, that unplanned pregnancy would kill me / impact my baby and so on. It started when I was a teen not even in a relationship or into boys, and carries on even now I am sterlised.
The mental impact is so damaging in my opinion. When pregnant all you worry about is how what you do impacts baby, more load on top is not needed. We need care, support and love, not outdated and incorrect opinions.
It took me half an hour to complete it. I might not have had depression during or after my pregnancy but honestly I don't know how this didn't happen. It is traumatic what went through, I might write a book of it. Not sure how we did it. I would do it again now for her, even though she doesn't like me most of the time at the moment ha!
This forum kept me sane and I think alive at some points. I felt so alone and not even a person really just a pregnant diabetic. I didn't enjoy very much of my pregnancy and it was just such an effort from early on until new baby. Maybe 5 months after until I was even part of myself anymore and able to breath at all.
Thanks those people and this forum!
Pregnancy care for us now is so much better than 14 years ago, but as especially T1s are a small group of a small group the research isn't there and the support is only just getting there now.