Innovative design to help diabetics with day to day life

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New Member
Hello everyone!

I am a 2nd year design student at Falmouth University currently taking part in a design competition. I am focusing my project on diabetes, partly as my partner has had type 1 diabetes for 6 years, along with the potentials for design solutions to be developed aiding diabetics with everyday life.

I would love to hear if any of you have any problems using your equipment or if there is anything that would make having diabetes that 'little bit easier'? Any other comments or observations you have would be appreciated!

If you would feel happy to help me with this project please respond to this thread or contact me at

Thank you,

Cheaper testing strips. Something that doesn't need strips at all. Smaller testing kits* (something that fits easily in a pocket). I'm sure the type 1s can come up with a few wants.

* Mine's not massive, but it still takes up space.

Umm, can't think of anything else at the moment.
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Hi Ruth,

There was a post here by someone doing the same thing (?or very similar) not that long ago, only a couple of weeks. I responded as did a few others, if you find the thread I expect it will be useful to you as people tend to appear here once in a while for this kind of request.

What was the name of the thread, can anyone remember?

Dont get me wrong, I think people are happy to help as the ultimate benefit is for us all but is it cheating to suggest you take a peak at the last persons thread and lift some info?!! 😉😉
something stylish for a young person like a fridge bag to keep all day where to put lucozade pen and supply [ for children and teens] and glucagon so you dont look like if you going for a picnic thanks
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