Injection question.

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Have just injected and withdrawn the needle and looked and i could not see no red dot like all the other times, does that mean i have not injected or is they not always a mark left?

Can't say too much about diabetic injections, but if you have injections from nurse, a good nurse doesn't always leave a mark.
So it might mean by now that im getting so good im not leaving a mark anymore ? :D:D
Basically it means that you're getting good at it. It was always a mixed result for me when I was jabbing.

Other half just said to me oh im surplus to requirements now then lol.
about 1 out of 20 injections i leave no mark!! always either a mark/spot/blood! Grr i hope i get better lol, but well done! x
Hmm who's mark?

Erm obviously I'm still rubbish at injecting, hey ho got my whole life to get there🙄 Well done on all of yous 🙂
Hi Steff

I find that I don't usally get a mark but sometimes I do find a yellow bruise a few days later! I guess it depends on if you nick a tiny blood vessel or not.

As long as the arrow in the pen window appears (and it is sometimes off centre -again, don't worry) you have received your dose. Also you someitmes get a few drips of the fluid as you reset the pen after the shot- again, this is normal.

How are you getting on- sickness gone yet? xxx
Hi Steff

I find that I don't usally get a mark but sometimes I do find a yellow bruise a few days later! I guess it depends on if you nick a tiny blood vessel or not.

As long as the arrow in the pen window appears (and it is sometimes off centre -again, don't worry) you have received your dose. Also you someitmes get a few drips of the fluid as you reset the pen after the shot- again, this is normal.

How are you getting on- sickness gone yet? xxx

Hey Lesley yeah i have a bruise or two lol, thanks for asking the sickness is all gone now x
I almost always draw a little blood, I can't be that good at it. Often have big bruises in my thigh's too xx
depends sometimes I leave a mark, generally not though and only occasionally blled when I've hit a capiliary. I will have a couple of attempts though if I feel it's going to hurt.
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