Injection Question

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just wanted to get people thoughts on this one.Last night i took my jab as usual as i was injecting i jumped through the roof it was really painful, when i looked down the nick was abit longer then usual and sore, and the blood flow was heavier im wondering if im just not concentrating enough when im doing it or im putting in it wrong i was coached how to inject my byetta at the time of being put onto it so im very unsure, to much could be going on at the time im injecting i feel as it is tea time and im doing 3 diffirent meals at once,just hope it was a one off... :confused::confused:
From time to time you can hit blood vessels and nerves resulting in pain and blood, its quite normal..........I am bruised all over from this, I suspect down to the fact I dont change the needle until the insulin is done......tut tut.....
Hi Steffie, I've had a few like that and I think it's partly bad luck. I always take a few moments out to do the jabs though and if it hurts before I've hit the button I take it out and choose a different spot. I think it's important to be relaxed when you do it too - well it is for me. A couple of times when it has hurt a lot and bled a bit I have managed to get blood into the chamber of the pen. Both of those times I was probably in a bit of a rush.
From time to time you can hit blood vessels and nerves resulting in pain and blood, its quite normal..........I am bruised all over from this, I suspect down to the fact I dont change the needle until the insulin is done......tut tut.....

we change the needle everytime but K still finds all injections uncomfortable, some she finds so bad it makes her cry. Quite often she will bleed and she too is covered in bruises (or she would be if she injected in enough different places - has a favourite spot in each arm and leg where it doesnt hurt so much - wont do tummy at all and wouldnt be able to do 'bottom' herself so this is a no go too:()

Steffie - this was probably a one off but perhaps you do need to concentrate more - everything has to stop in our house at 'injection time' 🙄
Same here.

Carolyn. If she sticks to the same spot because it doesn't hurt, it'll be because it's built up a layer of fatty tissue which will cause big problems with insulin absorption and release.

It's been my favoutite trick over the years and I'm now having to retrain myself not to do it.

Hence the bruising, because I'm having to use less preferred places.

But it does seem to go with the territory.

As mentioned already it is well advised to use a needle once. That said every now and then I find a needle is slightly jagged from new or even blocked. Rare, but it does happen.

It's only after doing DAFNE that I change every time (well nearly) and I used to change only when I started to feel something. I've also started using my belly as well which gas lessened the problem. My arms are nigh on solid after many years of jeckies which doesn't help with insulin efficiency either.

I've always hated belly jeckies but I'm slowly getting used to it and it does seem to be working a lot better. Less bumps and blood as well which is a nice wee bonus. Well worth a try.

All the best our kid!
You might have caught one of the fine veins, sometimes happens even with shorter needles.. It used to be more common with the old syringes due to the length of the needle more likely to hit the fine veins that thread their way through our fat layer..

With the old syringes we were encourage to draw back the plundger slightly to see if they was any blood, can't remember now what we were supposed to do if there was!

It's nothing to worry about...

Pumper get whats called a gusher, when you've hit a fine vien and boy can these bleed it can take 10 mins or so applying pressure to the site with a bit of tissue to stop them... But it doesn't cause any problems or concern, just frightens the hebe gebe's out of you..
Good question Steffie,

I've been having a hard time of late not injecting without a twinge of pain, sometimes I stick it in my stomach 2 or 3 times before I find a spot that I can put up with, I keep trying to work out the area that is more comfortable, but next time no luck!

Hope you have better luck than me!

Thanks guys for all your replies,i will put this down to a one off and hope its ok from now on, im a big baby sometimes lol.

Liz i certainly think i have rushed my jab in the past which like you say has caused bigger bleeds, ragarding changing sites i am guilty of sticking to the same area often, when i did try my thigh the bruises were so unslightly it put me off.x

p.s i always change my needle every single time
I change my needles each time I inject, as it is safer and more hygenic. Ive been using my stomach now since I was diagnosed and have only had a couple of bruises. Im a bit of a wimp for trying any other sites especially my thighs :|, and its pretty annoying having to find clothes that are suitable to remove quickly for injecting. Role on the jumpers and big jackets.... cant wait for that.
Pumper get whats called a gusher, when you've hit a fine vien and boy can these bleed it can take 10 mins or so applying pressure to the site with a bit of tissue to stop them... But it doesn't cause any problems or concern, just frightens the hebe gebe's out of you..

Frighten you it sure does! I got my first bleeder a few weeks ago and was astonished at the amount of blood 😱 I never had anything like this much on injections!

I imagine it's nothing to worry about, Steffie. Sometimes with injections you just get unlucky & hit a vein or nerve. If it starts happening on a more regular basis, though, I'd ask for a refresher session on injecting - you might pick up some tips you didn't get last time.
If it starts happening on a more regular basis, though, I'd ask for a refresher session on injecting - you might pick up some tips you didn't get last time.
Thanks Emma thats a brilliant idea
Carolyn. If she sticks to the same spot because it doesn't hurt, it'll be because it's built up a layer of fatty tissue which will cause big problems with insulin absorption and release.Rob

Exactly - which is why I have asked for a 'refresher course' (good idea Emma), but instead we've an appointment with the psycologist tomorrow :(

All fine on last nights jab, did things diffirent did it alone in the kitchen and had peace and quiet lol, no pain last night yay.:D
Good. I always take a little time out to do my jabs as although they are easy peasy and no big deal, I don't love doing it and just need to relax a bit first. I keep the stuff by my bed and that way I can do the first one as soon as I get up and then I have to get away from everyone for the evening one. I think we are much luckier than insulin users Steffie as we only have to worry about a fixed dose twice a day and so unless I am going out to dinner I don't need to carry it around with me and it can stay put in the most relaxing place in my house.
Good. I always take a little time out to do my jabs as although they are easy peasy and no big deal, I don't love doing it and just need to relax a bit first. I keep the stuff by my bed and that way I can do the first one as soon as I get up and then I have to get away from everyone for the evening one. I think we are much luckier than insulin users Steffie as we only have to worry about a fixed dose twice a day and so unless I am going out to dinner I don't need to carry it around with me and it can stay put in the most relaxing place in my house.

Vert true indeed Lizzie r.e not having to carry it about and 2 doses a day.All my stuff is downstairs lol..
All fine on last nights jab, did things diffirent did it alone in the kitchen and had peace and quiet lol, no pain last night yay.:D
That's good news. I'm really pleased that it was ok. I must admit that I'm guilty of trying to balance cooking dinner whilst quickly injecting (and simultaneously drinking a glass of wine🙄) The great thing about injecting ourselves is if it hurts then we can take the needle out and try again.....but I have complete needle phobia if anyone comes near me with a local anaesthetic because they carry on injecting even when it hurts😡
I find injecting below the tummy button or side top of thigh is best for me ,ive never tried anywhere else .
But if it needle hurts going in I take it straight out and find another spot , and I always alternate so I dont have bruise or soreness :D
I can usually tell as soon as it pierces the skin and before it goes in far if it is going to hurt so I take it out and the second attempt is usually pain free.
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