Injection query

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi, hope everyone is well on this scorching hot day. I just have a question about injecting into the thigh. In one book i read that you should inject into the front of the thigh, whilst in another it said you should inject into the outside. Does it really matter where you do it, i have always done it in the front but wondered if maybe it should be in the outside. :confused:
Hi Casey, I have always understood as long as you inject under the skin (subcut/subcutaneously) it really doesn't matter.

The things is when you inject in different parts the absorption of insulin can be quicker i.e. i find if i inject into my arm it acts a lot quicker than my thigh or bum for example.

I steer clear these days of books telling me what i should be doing as i find I know my body well enough now. As long as you change the injection sites as well it matters not.

I have been injecting all over my body for the past 27 years - used to inject into my calf but that hurt so don't do that anymore but as said i wouldn't worry about putting it on the side or the front its just it may act quicker in one site than another.

Hope this helps

Bernie xx 🙂
For subcutaneous injections into upper leg, it doesn't matter whether it's front or outside, but for intramuscular injections eg painkillers given by mountain rescue teams, outer thigh is recommended, and preferable to buttock to avoid any risk of hitting a sciatic nerve in the buttock. I think that's why some books show only injection site in outer thigh. I have given many intramuscular injections into human thighs, buttocks and arms over the years, personally prefer to inject my own insulin into outer thigh. I have tried front a couple of times, and found it more uncomfortable, but would recommend doing what feels best for you.
How weird i just posted about this the other night also, i currently only injecdt in the tummy but as of this morning started in thigh, i seem to have got away with not to much pain for now lol, the nurse talked me through it and kept saying main thing to remember is inject under the skin at all times and things should be fine x
Thank you everyone for your replies. I was fairly sure it didn't matter where abouts on the thigh you inject but just wanted to make sure.

As I just posted to Steff on another thread, just avoid the inner thigh where the main vessls are is the advice from my DSN
I have to jump in here and tell you that my experience with Byetta is that you should never inject on the inside of the thigh- I don't know if this is the same for insulin though.

I injected slightly to the inner side of an imaginary line running down the front of my thigh. I got a small lump under the skin - not like the normal slight bruising you sometimes get and thought it was a pimple so gave it a squeeze😱 I ended up with a 3 cm long wound which formed after the whole area swelled to the shape of a large oval, became hot and very tender and full of liquid like big blister. This then bled under the skin and I was lucky that it did not get infected.I had to go visit my nurse for cleaning and dressing of the wound - it took several weeks to heal and I still have a large scar which may never go.

Nursey told me off for injecting on the inside she said to only inject on the outside. Sorry to be so graphic but I would hate for this to happen to someone else - even if I was partly to fault for squeezing it!

Please check with your nurse for advice on your own drug.
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