Injecting in public

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Im looking for peoples opinions really.

im quite happy to inject my stomach in a restaurant in front of people but on one occasion I was with my older brother and he kicked up a fuss about it and insisted I go to the toilet to do it as it would put people including him off their food.

So on this occasion I did, stood in a dirty cubicle with the needle cap in my teeth and did it.

When I returned to the table it had already started a debate between my family and my brother seemed to be the only one with a problem.

Has anyone else got a view or experienced this?
When I was first diagnosed I used to go to the toilets to inject, I didn't really have the confidence to inject in public. Very soon though I came to the conclusion that it wasn't something I wanted to do. I'm subtle when I do it, and the pens ate so discrete that often people don't notice unless they're trying to. If I'm around someone new I'll 'warn' then just to check they're not needle phobic or anything, if they were I'd turn away so they can't see but I'd be unlikely to leave the table.
There was a good thread on this following a letters debate in balance magazine, can't find the link as posting on my phone but I'm sure someone will dig it out!
There have been quite a few debates about this and quite mixed feelings

I'm type 2 on tablets, so at the moment it is not something I have to do. Personally I don't fancy having to inject in some toilets, they are not even clean enough for purpose and I don't have a problem if some one wants to inject near me as I know there is a reason for it. I do know a few people who have a fear of needles, so this might be the root of their objections rather than anything else.
I think we should inject wherever we want to/feel comfortable. Some might not feel confident about injecting in public. However I think a clean private space should be provided for us if that is the case. We should never have to inject in a filthy unhygenic toilet cubicle.

I think your brother is being unreasonable. If he doesn't like it he should look away, it only takes a moment to inject. He is extremely lucky he is not diabetic. What reason did he give for this?

If people are afraid of needles, that is their issue not ours. People can be scared of many things. I for example get worried about big lorries, when I have to cross the road behind/around one or walk round a parked lorry. I know this is irrational especially when they are parked and the engine is off, but it still makes me nervous. But I don't expect all HGV drivers to take a detour around my house/work/wherever I am because that would be unreasonable. You can't expect other people to change themselves because of an irrational fear you have.
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i think its more what 'other' people will think with him. it will put other people off their food.

i even did an injection down the isle in asda the other day lol
But if nobody came up to you to say anything, surely that means nobody minded, or even noticed? And why is what some strangers might (or might not) think, more important to him than his sibling's health?
I've had tuts and angry looks from people when testing my blood in public too. When I was injecting insulin whilst pregnant, I had to do it in public once, and I swear people assumed it was heroin, the dirty looks I got...
That’s half the fun! It shows how stupid some people are to think that. They must think that heroin is now supplied in plastic pens with pre mixed cartridges.

On my way back from Greece the departure gate was so packed I had to kneel down in a crowd and rest the tester on my knee to do the test. i did get funny looks as if i had a disease they would catch. Felt like sucking my bloody finger after and going uuuummm, yummy.
breast feeding & injecting in canoes / kayaks

Just to add to the breast feeding debate - last Sunday, a friend visited, with her 17 month old son. He had been canoeing last summer in Scotland, but probably didn't remember. So, my partner & I, plus mother decided to reintroduce him, on a very sunny day on River Cam. I went in front, my partner at back (he's the heaviest), mum and toddler in the middle. Toddler wore a bouyancy aid, but rest of us didn't due to placid water and heat. After a while, boy got a bit fractious, and not having any other food to hand, my friend breast fed him. As she pointed out, him wearing a bouyancy aid made positioning him a bit more difficult than usual. Several passengers in punts noticed and the only comments were complimentary.
I've never needed to inject in a canoe or kayak, as we tend to eat ashore, and for snacks during exercise I don't need insulin.
I will inject where i want and if someone wants to tut stare or raise an eyebrow they can, i have no issues with it so if they do it aint my problem.If it was a family member who created a fuss id be very hacked off with them and probebly not talk to them for a while.
The chap I work with has a problem with the site of blood and needles. If I need to test at my desk I always warn hmt to stay his side of the screen. There are at least two other diabetics in the office, so no one else takes much if any notice. One person injects at his desk, but I don't think too many people are aware of what is happening.

Having irrational fears of heights and confined spaces, if I know someone has problems with needles I am inclined to warn them so they can concentrate on their news paper or book or menu or whatever before I get my tester out, and would do the same if I had to inject.

I don't mind people injecting in public, but feel we should also take others needs into consideration in a non emergency situation.
Wow he is some Brother!! Since I was diagnosed 8yrs ago I wouldn't inject in front of my wife let alone in public but after a while I thought right why am I embarrased to do this in front of ppl, So I started to inject at work and at lunchtime i would inject in the canteen and not 1 person said you shouldn't do that in here if I'm honest most ppl were askin why and were interested and amazed at the size of the needle, most said where is it lol it is so small ppl could hardley see it........

My advise to your brother would be you dont have to live with this disease and if you dont like what you see dont watch what I am doing, everyone else doesn't mind when I inject apart from you so I would suggest you go away and read up on what I have to put up with everyday of my life........
I have only been injecting for 6 weeks but I quickly realised toilets were not for me! I think I manage it quite discreetly and if I have someone with me I use them to shield me a bit. I don't think anyone has noticed.
Im looking for peoples opinions really.

im quite happy to inject my stomach in a restaurant in front of people but on one occasion I was with my older brother and he kicked up a fuss about it and insisted I go to the toilet to do it as it would put people including him off their food.

So on this occasion I did, stood in a dirty cubicle with the needle cap in my teeth and did it.

When I returned to the table it had already started a debate between my family and my brother seemed to be the only one with a problem.

Has anyone else got a view or experienced this?

I wonder how he would feel about a woman breast feeding her baby, thats totally fine to do anywhere, there are now laws that ban women being thrown out of places for juts feeding her child.

We had a meal at the pub the other day i went the loo just before eating, when i came out there was an old lady with her daughter sorting her pen out, i did look at it because i have only ever seen mine and one other pen i was interested, they saw me and i explained i was too the lady replied, ''Have you just done yours too'' i said ''I am waiting for my meal first''. What i should of said is i do it at the tabel where its cleaner, good chance missed their.

I do understand how people dont like it, i dont either but i have to do it, and its not that gross or noticable. Ill inject anywhere these days after 4 nearly 5 years i dont care anymore 🙂

I have just noticed the other breastfeeding comments should read the whole thread first 🙂
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I have just noticed the other breastfeeding comments should read the whole thread first 🙂[/QUOTE]

saved me form saying it 🙂
I think you should be able to inject in public without being looked upon as some kind of freak. After all would people expect someone having an asthma attack to find a toilet to use their inhaler?

I also think there should be sharps bins available in public places to dispose of your needles.
this is the point when i get frowned upon🙄

i change my needles about once every couple of weeks. always have done since i as diagnosed 14yrs ago.
Are you guys for real.........

I cant bellieve some of the stories I am hearing....

I am from Scotland and no one gives any wierd looks or noises up here, frankly I am shocked....

Injecting can be done discretely in public, if any of you wip down your trousers to inject then you have only brought it on yourself......

But no one does that do they.....

The stomach or arm is perfect when on the move......

Even if you have a beer belly like me....
I must say for a guy who has been on here less then half a day you do have a lovely way with words.NOT
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