Actually I’ve just had another thought. I’ve never used MySugr, is it on your phone? Not connected to your BG meter at all? In which case would it not be easier to do the following:
Before you eat, do a test, make a note of the number, but don’t enter it into the app
After you eat, enter that BG number into the app along with carbs, and it will give you total bolus of carbs + any correction all at once, then you inject.
I’ve only ever used the bolus wizards on pumps, and in the case of the Roche ones (who now own MySugr i believe, so I understand how their calculations work) the test meter was part of the pump and would do all the calculations and transmit that information directly to the pump, so the only way to get a BG reading in was by doing an actual test. But it sounds like you can enter any BG value separately which makes it easier.
Anyway, do whichever you prefer - glad to be of service 🙂