Initial Appointment

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have my initial appointment to see if i am eligible for a pump. Eek. Must admit I have been encouraged by this forum, even though I havent been on here for ages!
It's been a while! :D Good to hear from you again - wishing you the best of luck with your appointment! 🙂
Hi Medusa. Good luck getting 1 ! I would take a big blokes head off if anybody took my pump off me 😱 Its hard work for the first couple of weeks but worth the effort !
thanks yep been so busy with studying and working full time now hardly get online, passed my second year of law 🙂 will let you know how the appointment goes.... eventually
Good luck! I've been pumping for a fortnight now, and apart from initial hiccup with a bent cannula, it is sooo much better than constant needles, and I haven't yet fully got to grips with the pump's possibilities!
Hope you can have one, they are truly life changing 🙂
Will we have to watch what we say now you have passed your law exams Medusa ? 🙄 Well done 😎
lol i have another four years to go hobie, sadly had to postpone my pump appointment as i have been at home looking after my poorly son
lol i have another four years to go hobie, sadly had to postpone my pump appointment as i have been at home looking after my poorly son

Sorry to hear this, I hope that your son is feeling much better very soon, and you can get back on the pump trail 🙂
Good luck, hope your son is soon better and you can reinstate the appointment.
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