Infusion Sets when you have little fat?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi I am fairly new to pumping (since mid July) and have been having a difficult time with my infusion sets. I am on MM Paradigm Veo pump.

I have discovered that I have muscle under my tummy flab, lots of rolls when sat down and then when stood up, can only press 1/4 to 1/2 an inch before hitting muscle. Legs also have lots of muscle as I do Spinning classes.

I started off on the Quick-Sets, which have crimpled, bent at an L shape and given lots of NO DELIVERIES. Progressed to SURE-T - also had NO DELIVERIES in my stomach and think I hit muscle in my legs as I had an almighty hypo.
Currently have Mio in my buttock, but consultant worried this may not be a good area when I get back into my exercise.
I have tried Silhouette in my stomach once - but it was a nightmare to insert, but when in worked fine.

My consultant is suggesting that an option may be to insert sets into my breast tissue, to which I am not keen - and feel that there must be other options out there. I am not very skinny - UK size 12 and wouldn't describe myself as an althlete, I just like spinning! Surely there must be fitter, more toned people out there on pumps than me - how do you manage?

Any help advice greatfully received!
Hi - this morning I had to change my set, and managed to put a Silhouette in more sucessfully by hand (I havent got a device to help me with this)- seems to be working ok. I wasn't sure about the angle it was meant to be in , but I just kept it quite near to my skin and pushed and hoped for the best! But I have to say it was much easier that the last time, I guess - practice will make perfect - I hope?

When I took the Mio out of my buttock, I noticed that it had blood in it, my levels have been pretty irratic over the last couple of days, I wonder if this could have been the cause?
If there's blood in it, then there isn't insulin in it, so I would say it is almost def causing irratic levels!

Keep going with the Sils, sounds as if they could work for you 🙂
I use tender link roche, which i think are the same as sils you describe? Insert by hand 30 - 40 degree angle

I too do a lot of exercise and have only occassionally disrupted the canula. I think these type are best for athletic people and people with little body fat. Not saying im either of those but i keep trying.
Hi - saw the Medtronic rep last week, and now have a good supply of Sils and an inserter device - and although it looks like a torture instrument puts the Sils in with much more ease that me trying to poke them through my elephant like skin - so gonna use them for my stomach and top of my thighs. Going with the Mio's for my buttocks and my 'love handles'.
The Rep was horrified that it had even been suggested by my consultant to put my infusion sets into my breast tissue, so I have to say that I feel very relieved that going onto a pump hasn't meant that I have had to move to a new site that was less than appealling to me!
Glad things have been sorted out for you 🙂 I'm sure we had someone here once who used the site you'd rather not! 😱
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