Infusion sets in the back

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've been using my abdomen exclusively since November, but am beginning to get concerned that my Lipohypotrophy is worsening.

I overused my abdomen, esp the left hand side for many years while working in an office. Just lazy overuse and poor rotation really when I wasn't paying my D much attention. It's not terrible (Daily Mail style) but there is a fairly discinct 'bulge' on either side just below my belly button. When on MDI I pretty much avoided that area entirely for 2 years, but despite hundreds of situps, 'crunches' and the like every week it is resolutely not shifting.

I used the area on recommendation of DSN and absorption seems to be reliable enough, but I'm worried about overusing again so have decided to venture further round my back.

I was wondering, for other pumpers who use their backs... how far round are you able to go... and how do you manage to see what you are doing/check the site after changing etc. I've got one in today that I can just about see by twisting round but that only gives me about 2 spots as opposed to the 6 I've been rotating on the front.
I do round the sides of my abdomen and round my lower back, usually from above my waist line and up a few inches. In terms of how far back, I go far enough that I'm properly on my back, but stay away from my spine, and I usually judge by whether it feels like there's enough padding!

I can use inset IIs one handed (I can't remember what pump you're on - they're equivalent to Medtronic's Mios), and generally go by feel if I can't see it. I've been doing this for a while now and it's usually ok. 🙂

Have you tried other places? I use my thighs, my backside and my arms, mainly to give me enough places to rotate around. I also use two different types of sets as I find different sets work for different areas.

I find I can insert Quicksets one handed on my back. I've tried doing it in front of a mirror but to be honest that just confused me, I find it easier to do it blind. If I want to check the site once I've removed the set, I use a mirror.

I can probably get about 6 different sites on either side of my back. Starting at my waistband working up the outside and then back down. I avoid my spine and just stick them wherever there is enough fat to pinch.

I also use the top of my buttocks, below my waistband. You just need to get used to not catching it when you pull your pants down!
Thanks guys.

I had a look at the Mio insertion vid and it looked a bit of a faff compared to Quicksets (guess it's actually much easier in practice!).

I also have lots of stuff in both pockets and kept trying to fish the cannula out when I tried a silhouette in one leg during my saline week. I had to pull it out after about 2 hours as it was hopeless (and slightly too long as it turned out!). I've been trying to stick to areas where I can 'pinch up a bit of flesh' but I'm concerned about thighs as there doesn't seem to be any real padding there. When injecting MDI into thighs I just injected into a pinch, but of course you can't do this with an infusion set. I think I'll just 'go blind' on my back for a bit and see how I get on.
Make the most of it while ye may ... following one damaged shoulder and one frozen one in my 40's (I knacked the one trying to serve Aces LOL) ... I can't hardly reach round me back at all - and it isn't that far from me front - honest!

I know what you mean reading their posts 'contortionist' came to mind😱 mine due to frozen shoulders, my right shoulder the first to go is now pain free but I've lost a lot of movement in it and rather put up with lack of movement rather than having the operation.. And even though my back is only a couple of inches away from my front it might just as well be 15ft behind me😱

But I've been lucky I don't get any problems with Lipohypotrophy so it's not been any problem using my stomach that available..


You could always use an angle cannula on your thighs, mean self insertion but I use angle and self insert and no different than injecting..
I've got a frozen LH shoulder just beginning to ease at the mo. Might try a quickset in the thigh too.
I'm going to try inserting in my thighs soon, probably on a quiet non-working day maybe Sunday, I'm a little worried trying there to be honest but if I continually use my stomach I know my lyperhytrophy will get gradually worse. I probably don't rotate as much as I should as I find certain areas quite tender.
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