Info required please, feeling a bit vulnerable

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Dave Fallon

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone,

Help and info required please. I'm recently seperated pending divorce. I have applied to our local council for a council flat and as a Diabetic am I entitled to any help or assistance in this area? I due to move out of our matrimonial home, as is my soon to be Ex-Wife (happily it's very amicable which is a relief to remain friends after 21 years together) I fear that if I have no where to leave, I'll not be able to recieve my medication (Metformin and Statins) due me not having a permenant address?

Can anyone help with advice, ideas of any kind. Much appreciated, thanks.

my local council didnt want to know and i have or had at the time twins aged 3 now they older . other health problems and diabetes ... was told no offence to anyone but asylum seekers homeless come first ....cant type what i said so moved back to marital home were hubby and his trollop were and moved em out,,, had no option kids needed a home not all councils the same try calling the cit advice CAB just a thought ... so my diabetes didnt make much difference
Can you rent somewhere privately? Council housing / housing association accommodation won't be provided quickly - and you won't be counted as homeless if you're still living with your wife, even if you're separating. Even if you don't have a permanent address, you can still see a GP for prescriptions or any other essential treatment. At least you don't need a fridge for your insulin, although even that wouldn't help you - I heard from a pharmacist friend that her patient was told to collect insulin every 28 days, as that's the lifespan at room temperature. Definitely worth speaking to your local Citizens Advice Bureau or welfare rights agency or law centre - rules are slightly different in the 4 nations of UK, plus different possibilities in different council areas.
Sorry it couldn't be better news to help in your situation, but let us know how you get on - I'm sure you will sort things.
From what I understand, you are given points for various things such as medical conditions, time on the waiting list, children and so on.

Most councils will only consider you for a house (or flat) if you meet so many points (I think it's about 300 here).

I think the most points you can get for medical conditions is 50 in total.

As to actually getting somewhere, that very much depends on where you are looking as councils vary hugely.
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