Info please!

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have been diagnosed as type 2 for 6 years. My initial hb1c was 98. I was put on Dapagliflozin and it went down to 45. It crept up over a couple of years to 56 so was put on Alogliptin as well. It doesn’t seemed to have helped as my last two have been 68 and the latest 76! I have an appointment for my diabetic review in just over a week and I was wondering what to expect? Will I be put on even more medication? Or even Insulin? I’m a bit upset that it’s not getting under control, despite my best efforts!
Welcome to the forum.
You mention nothing about what lifestyle changes you may have made as these can be as powerful as medication, diet and carb intake being particular important.
Have a look at this link and you may spot something where you are going wrong with your diet and find something which may help you.
Welcome @Mamawoody 🙂 Do you test your blood sugar at home? If so, what kind of results are you getting?

What would an average day’s food look like for you? Do you know roughly how many carbs you eat a day?

Are you overweight? If so, losing some weight can help. Easier said than done, of course, but even moderate losses can help. Exercise is helpful too. It doesn’t have to be vigorous. Walks after dinner, keeping moving after meals by doing housework or chores, etc, all help.
Sorry to hear your HbA1c has crept back up a little @Mamawoody

Sounds like Dapagliflozin suited you very well to start with.

Can you identify any changes since that initial success? Did you change anything, or did your weight change over the years?

Some times people’s diabetes can change over the years, and it can help to adjust medication doses, but meds will always need to be balanced with adjustments to your menu and way of eating.

Hope you can find the right blend of foods, meds and diabetes management strategies to give you the results you are looking for. 🙂
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