Influential guitarist Bert Weedon dies aged 91

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So sad, I bought one of his books and learnt C, F and G. Could play most Rock and Roll numbers with those chords, chuck in Am and you were a pro.:D
In 1956 I watched Bert teach us kids, every week, how to play guitar on ATV London (ATV was only available in London those days) childrens hour along with Jimmy Hanley and Olly Beek (a stuffed Owl, dont ask).
In 1956 I watched Bert teach us kids, every week, how to play guitar on ATV London (ATV was only available in London those days) childrens hour along with Jimmy Hanley and Olly Beek (a stuffed Owl, dont ask).

Ah Jimmy Hanley The Father of the lovely Jenny Hanley (magpie)
No it wasn't only available in London in 1956 - we had it in 1956 too - Birmngham or more precisely West Bromwich.

ATV studios were approximately where the pub is that we had the forum meet in Brum last year !

Olly Beak used to only appear with a lady called Jean Morton ISTR - bit like sooty never appearing sans Harry Corbett LOL

Whizzing forward - I say we should have a concerted effort to bring back Spit, the punk dog. I was adult when he arrived on the scene, I still love him. Probably just not PC enough these days! He'd have a lot more to expectorate about these days, I bet !
Well thanks for that about Jenny Hanley (?) but this topic is about Bert. I used his handbook 'How to play guitar in a day' and taught myself on my six year old brothers plastic toy guitar. Thanks Bert your a Star. Jean Morton (Auntie Jean of Tinga and Tucker 'she was in the club' so she kept on saying!!).
Ah Bert, I'm another of your followers, learned the basics from your seminal work. Thanks for that old lad.
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