Influencing to improve support for children with diabetes in schools.......

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes

Does anyone know about this? Is anyone going? I can't attach as file too big so am cutting and pasting. Some from the email list are going but not sure if anyone on here knows about it yet. They need 12 people. I'm away otherwise I may have gone.

If anyone wants to go and wants me to email them the real form, please PM me and I'll forward it.


Diabetes UK 75 years improving life

? Do you want improved support in schools for children with diabetes?
E.g. lack of understanding by school staff, lack of suitable space for carrying out insulin
injections, banned from school trips/activities, parents giving up work to do insulin injections.
If so, please consider attending the event below:
Influencing to improve
local diabetes services
? 10am ? 4.00pm
? Free to attend
? Lunch and refreshments will be provided
? Travel expenses will be reimbursed
Learn how influence local support for children with diabetes at school ? an area consistently reported
as the main issue of concern by parents of children with diabetes.
The one day course will focus on support in schools, which will allow you to understand the key
issues, become confident in influencing and give you the opportunity to share experiences and learn
from others on the specific topic concerned.
If you would like to attend, please complete the booking form overleaf and return to Campaigns
and Volunteer Development Team, Diabetes UK, Macleod House, 10 Parkway, London, NW1
7AA or email
Please note that we are unable to provide childcare facilities
Topic Date Location
Support in schools 28 November 2009 Camden, London
Please complete booking form overleaf to reserve your place
Large Print Available ? please call 020 7424 1123

Influencing to improve
local diabetes services
(These events are open to all regions in England)
Topic Date Location I would like to attend
(tick in this column)
Support in schools 28 November 2009 Camden, London

Email??????????????????????????????????????. ????
( ) I am happy for Diabetes UK to contact me by email
Voluntary Group (if appropriate)??????????????????????????..............
(please tick one of the following)
Diabetes Campaigners Network ( ) User Representative ( ) New to volunteering/campaigning ( )
Any special requirements (dietary/access)??????????????????????????
Return completed booking form to: Campaigns and Volunteer Development Team,
Diabetes UK, Macleod House, 10 Parkway, London, NW1 7AA
or email
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