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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
well at the moment i think i am suffering a u.t.i as my bs are up i am peeing for scotland and my back is killing {phoning docs tomorrow} does anyone know apart from cranberry juice any other natural way of dealing with this untill i see the docs thanks
A friend of mine advised the cranberry juice and also 'live' biopot yoghurts (for eating, cough!) - helps replenish the good bacteria. I had a problem last year after leaving hospital and it seemed to help me.
Hope you feel better.

Cranberry is the ultimate home treatment and drink plenty of water in the mean time. If you are running a fever take some paracetamol. Hang in there for those antibiotics!

Feel better soon x
ohh hun thats not nice ...loads of fluids..flush it out !!!..i always got the reaction to the antibios with thrush...thats when the yoghurt kicks in as anti bios kill the good stuff and you need to top up...however i got gp to prescribe the little tablet in loads of packaging that stops the thrush reaction ...mention it to gp when you see good luck xx
thanks guys just phoned the doc and hes gived me antibotics which i pick up this afternoon
The advice I was given was drink plenty of unsweetened caffine free liquids, plain water and cranberry juice being the best. If you have a friendly pharmacist they may be able to let you have something that will help till the doc is back.

I hope you feel better soon.
i used to get loads of uti's which rather annoyingly i was told....i am just prone to them being diabetic....i used to get 1 a month!!! they seem to have cleared up a bit now but what a nightmare they were! Just keep away from caffiene and drink lots of water!
thanks guys u are all brilliant i have been drinking gallons of water i am keeping evian in business lol
Any acid water will do - soluble vitamin C tablets (double the recommended daily dose to ensure that you excrete some) in any water (tap water is fine!) is a good way to acidify urine without taking in much sugar (as in any fruit juices). While working at a rehab centre for disabled people in Mexico, I suggested trying the technique to solve a problem for a young paraplegic man with a urinary catheter, resulting in his first antibiotic-free weeks in years.
thanks copepod i will try that i dont drink the tap water here as i live in flats and the tap water is not very nice
Real shame that the water in your flat doesn't taste good - generally, Glsgow water does taste nice, with Loch Katrine the main source reservoir. In fact, being water from peat area, it's relatively acidic, although acidity is regulated by the water supplier. Acid water and old lead pipes used to be a serious health concern, particularly in the central belt.
One of the problems with living in East Anglia (in addition to lack of mountains) is that water generally comes from boreholes, rather than reservoirs - having grown up in West Midlands and spent many happy school holidays touring reservoirs & sewage works with our dad who worked for Severn Trent and predescessors meant I'm still uneasy drinking water that doesn't come from rain falling on Welsh hills.
i think thats the same for me as i was born and grew up in wales and the water taste sooooo much better
UTI = Urinary Tract Infection; not to be confused with URTI = Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (basically, sore throat).
Twinnie I have been having that problem and had two lots of antibiotics,now I am on the run again. Comforting to know it isn't just me. I'm drinking gallons water that is. I did cut out all caffiene and only drink green or caff free tea. No coffee at all, worked wonders as I drove back from Cornwall to Hampshire without one "comfort" stop, that was in April and was good up till now . This infection is a bit of a set back but will soldier on till I see my GP again. By the way Twinnie, Happy New Year and Lang May Yer Lum Reek.
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