Infections , anxiety and unstable blood sugars

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Anxious 63

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi there guys i have reoccurring infection with cellulitis on my leg and problems with my teeth another big problem all this is making me very anxious , is it a fact that infections , anxiety will push the blood sugars up or it could it be the medication anti biotics and pain killers all might contribute to my sugars all over the show again
Would anybody still advise taking insulin like turapi without food if sugars go to high
Sorry to hear you are having such a difficult time with infection and anxiety @Anxious 63 :(

Illness and emotions can certainly play havoc with your blood glucose levels.

As a T1 with illness and injury it is commonly advised to follow ‘sick day rules’ which is a framework for increasing glucose levels. I’m not sure if they would be appropriate for insulin using T2s

As a T1 I would certainly use my rapid acting insulin (without food) to administer a ‘correction dose’. It is usual for people with T1 to be given a correction factor as a means of calculating a correction dose based on their insulin sensitivity, target range, and current BG levels.

How high levels are you seeing?
hi there everyday yes there going up to 14 and 16and 17 , but had a horrible hypo the other day
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