Infections and advice please

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Ello all

Quick life story and then down to the problem...

Had a motorcycle accident in may 1988, in which i lost my right leg below the knee. I have always had slight problems with the stump, getting infections and sores. Now with my diabetes i know to watch out for anything as been more prone to infection.

Had no probs for ages but lo and behold leg swelled up like a balloon overnight and i feel like pooh:(

doctor i see is really good told me to keep an eye on my bs levels as it might go a bit nuts and perscribed flucloxacillin 500mg for 28 days.

is there anything else i should be carefull of or to do as i'm a bit worried as he told me any infections i get can spread a lot quicker now.

oh yes i got to sit at home and not wear my artificial limb so stuck in front of pc for the time being

any advice or tips would be great🙂

Ta Fudge
Try to eat as normally as possible and take all your medications. Keep up the sugar free fluids. Last time I had an infection I was advised to avoid as much salt and artificial sweetners in my food as possible. Most of it is common sense.

I appreciate it might be more difficult, but also try and keep a bit active too, it helps the circulation to have a short walk round the room or to go put the kettle on.

I hope youfeel better soon.
Wow Fudge, hope it clears up soon! I guess the only thing I can think of is to try and keep your levels as near to normal as possible so the infection does not have the environment to spread and the drugs can do their stuff more quickly. Maybe take particular care with what you eat and keep the carbs low for a little while - bacon and eggs and omelettes and stuff. You're probably not going to be able to be very active, but perhaps some upper body exercise is possible, like a few repetitions with some weights (or tins of beans!) whilst you're in the chair. It will help raise your metabolism and should help to keep your levels lower overall.

Let us know how things go. My brother in law had a bad m/c accident when he was 18 -didn't lose anything but his leg was badly messed up. Just a year ago (and over 30 years after the accident) he got an infection that took ages to clear, but it did eventually. Best wishes.
Thanks for the advice i can walk around a bit just got to rest up as much as possible. the infection i get is a regular problem i have but 14th May i see the consultant to see about having some surgery to repair the damaged area, as i have been told it will get worse not better over time.
the tins of beans idea i like but can i use vodka bottles instead 🙂
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