Infected site - Omnipod pump


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am just wondering if any of you lovely lot can help me and give me some advice on an infected site.
My little boy (age 7) is on the Omnipod pump and today he complained about his pump hurting him, it was really sore for him so I changed it (his pod was on his upper leg). When I changed it some puss came out with the cannula, and the site had a little red rash. I knew it was infected so I clean the area and we have avoided the area completely. A few hours on and the rash has got bigger and the sight is still causing him some pain.
I've gone on to the NHS website and it said to contact the GP in the next few days, which I intend to do tomorrow morning, but until then is there any tips you have? I've never had to deal with an infected site before. The sight is just red and it's hot to touch. His bloods have been affected prior to this, they reached 20mmol, but now they are back in range at 7.0mmol and he has ketones of 0.2mmol.
My little boy says it's just painful.
Any advice would be great x
Not an Omnipod but had a painful cannula site. Just changed it and have a sore site along with a big bruise, after putting in the cannula this morning.

If it hurts and does not settle good to change it. You are doing the sensible things , checking levels and ketones. Glad his levels have come down. Keep an eye on things and as suggested contact GP if still bad tomorrow, or earlier if he becomes unwell.
I am just wondering if any of you lovely lot can help me and give me some advice on an infected site.
My little boy (age 7) is on the Omnipod pump and today he complained about his pump hurting him, it was really sore for him so I changed it (his pod was on his upper leg). When I changed it some puss came out with the cannula, and the site had a little red rash. I knew it was infected so I clean the area and we have avoided the area completely. A few hours on and the rash has got bigger and the sight is still causing him some pain.
I've gone on to the NHS website and it said to contact the GP in the next few days, which I intend to do tomorrow morning, but until then is there any tips you have? I've never had to deal with an infected site before. The sight is just red and it's hot to touch. His bloods have been affected prior to this, they reached 20mmol, but now they are back in range at 7.0mmol and he has ketones of 0.2mmol.
My little boy says it's just painful.
Any advice would be great x

@lozboz25 You should contact the GP and get him seen today. Infected sites need antibiotics and asap. They can develop into an abscess if not treated quickly. It’s really important he’s seen today. Stress that when you phone them.

Having had exactly that happen to me and having seen a friend with a worse infection, it’s not something to mess around with.
I am a big fan of Germolene cream (available over the counter in many supermarkets as well as pharmacies) for any spots or cuts or bites or skin infections particularly those that have pus either trapped in a spot or when it has released. It contains a mild anaesthetic to ease the pain as well as being antibacterial. Usually a day or two of use and it is gone, but definitely book a GP appointment in the meantime.
Agree with what @Inka says about getting boy seen asap so that infection can be treated immediately.

With infection going on its likely he's temp will be high also, check it before you go if you have thermometer to do so.
Hi. Just wondering how your son is doing. Hope you are getting on top of the infection.