Individual Assessments/driving

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
As it got kinda lost in another thread I am posting this because I am genuinely interested:

How does 'individual assessment' work, does this involve a doctors report or is it just question and answer?

I believe DVLA require a doctors report on your hypo awareness, but is this done and who pays for it, does it actually happen.

Obviously any system is going to be open to abuse, but currently I do feel the majority of us are being unfairly victimised for our diabetes, in terms of driving licence. I however would like to know that there was a system in place to ensure that those on the road (especially in large vehicles and Public service transport) had their condition under control.
When I have renewed my driving license I have simply filled in a questionnaire. Part of the info you provide is medical information - and you sign to give the DVLA permission to contact your Dr. I believe that part of the Drs contract is to fill in requests from the DVLA and other official bodies (ie the DWP if you are on some benefits).

The DVLA will look at the questionnaire and contact the medical people they feel they need to. They may also ask you to have additional tests (ie field of vision) if the answers you have given deem it necessary.
When I renewed my driving lisence they had to get a report from my consultant and they then gave me a 1 year renewal. I hope next time they will give me the full 3 years.

There are unfortuantly those that don't test before driving, drive when advised not to and kill people through their hypo unawareness, and we all are under scrutiny because of it. I don't mind having to renew my lisence, but I do believe everyone should be subject to review.
I often wondered if the DVLA did contact your GP or hospital consultant re your diabetes.. I am on a 3 year licence which was renewed this year.. at my DSN appt last week she was looking through my notes and I saw a page from the DVLA so they do check out what you tell them.
If you are driving with a bg <5 and have an accident you get charged with driving under the influence of drugs so it doesn't pay not to test. I find driving lowers my bg quite a lot sometimes, must be the adrenaline.
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