increased insulin and carb ratios-higher readings

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi, Harry is 4 and been on his pump since Jan 12.
As his readings are still pretty high ,his consultant increased his basal by 10per cent and all his carb ratios at meal times. Before this during the night he was having normal readings but now from 8pm when his basal is at its highest, his readings have increased. Mid morning we have had some readings of 3.9 so here I have decreased carb ratio.

My question is how can we be getting mainly higher readings when everything has been increased??????

Thanks for readings another of my frustrations !!!!!

Hi Helen,

Growth hormones!😉It can happen out of the blue and can last a few weeks and then levels start to drop again - thats the pattern we have seen - normally three weeks growing and three weeks off - then a full growth spurt and everything goes up across the board. Just keep testing and giving corrections via the pump. If it carries on for a few weeks you may need to think about increasing the basals/ratio's again but best to check with your team.🙂Bev
Hi, same thing has happened recently with my daughter, I've had to increase her basal from 8.30-11pm due to a rise into the teens which has lasted a few weeks now - hence made the change permanent.
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