Increased exercise- HBA2 gone from 45 to 48‍♀️Covid positive

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Relationship to Diabetes
So I had Covid in October 2020. It was mild- I lost taste and smell but it felt mostly like a cold after the first couple of days and a weird pain in my hips/back for a couple of hours. However in December I felt my lips were dry and I previously had gestational diabetes so I asked my doctor for a test and was told I was prediabetic. Levels were 45 in December 2020. My last test in January 2017 was 46-47.
I started to exercise more and reduce my carbs, increase the vegetables in my diet. Avoid cakes and biscuits. I was previously doing yoga once a week, occasional walk and beginner tennis lesson once a week. I am now doing 3 times a week HIIT for twenty minutes, walking more often, and continue with my yoga once a week. No tennis because of Covid. Maybe sitting more because of work on computer?
I am 5’6” and weigh 63kg. Have lost a bit of weight since December.
I had strange feeling in my toe- like a skelf. I got it seen by doctor and a chiropodist and likely Covid toe. I got prescribed week of aspirin. Doctor got some blood tests done and all was normal except my HBA1 which had gone up to 48. I was pretty shocked as I thought I had been doing well with my diet and exercise.
Any ideas what is going on?
What wih the illness and dietary changes I'm wondering if things are still in flux while you settle into your new routine. I suggest sticking at your diet and lifestyle changes, which seem appropriate, and seeing how things are in a few months. There's not a huge difference between 45, 46/47 and 48 and over such a short time span the trend may not be significant. Obviously, if you start feeling worse or get other symptoms, see medical advice. Hope this helps. Nick
Thanks Nick. I was on Metformin at the end of the last pregnancy and was doing finger prick tests but I was hoping to contain it with diet and exercise. I think I was just a bit gutted to find it had gone up and am sitting on the cusp of Type2. Not sure whether to go even harder with the 8 week blood sugar diet but not sure I can cope with tuna wraps only for lunch. Just going to be more strict with the gin/tonic/ snack that has been a feature of lockdown and try and cut it to once or twice a week. And watch the sugars. Thanks for the support!
Sounds like a good plan @Covidprediabetesnow48 🙂. Hope you can get the balance right. I've been Type-2-on-the-cusp-of-medication for more than 10 years... so it CAN be done :D
Welcome to the forum @Covidprediabetesnow48

Glad to have you here.

Good to hear about the changes you have been making to reduce cakes and sugary things, and increase your levels of activity.

Aerobic exercise can make you more sensitive to insulin, and generally helps muscles take up glucose from the blood, but as you’ve mentioned HIIT it might be worth bearing mind that anaerobic (high intensity exercise where you can’t really breathe - weights, sprints etc) can trigger the liver to release glucose into the blood stream to ‘help out’. Some athletes with diabetes use this as a technique to avoid hypoglycaemia!

As for your menu, do bear in mind that it is all forms of carbohydrate that raise your glucose levels (including starchy and ‘healthy wholegrain’) so portion control is important, and a big tuna and avocado salad with a G and slimline T would be much less disruptive to your BG levels than a tuna wrap 🙂

You don’t have to avoid carbs as if they were poisonous, but just cutting back a little here and there, along with ditching the sweet stuff, can make a huge difference 🙂
Thanks for the update @Covidprediabetesnow48

We have a few MODY members, but it’s one of the rarer types, so you can count yourself into that elite, glamorous club!

Let me know if you’d like to change or update your username (you can request a change under Your Account > Account Details - click your avatar at the top of the page) 🙂
Hi everyone,

Just to let you know I have eventually got a diagnosis on the NHS in Scotland and have had genetic testing and found out that I am MODY. So it’s not Covid at all and my mind is now at ease knowing what is going on.
Thank you NHS!
That diagnosis must be welcome. NHS thought I might have been in that exclusive club, but my DNA test did not find the relevant genes.
Thanks Nick- yes it was very welcome indeed. I did make changes to my diet and increased my exercise significantly, which had no impact on my HbA1c level, so I was a bit frustrated (albeit thinner and fitter!). It’s good to have some answers and hopefully it will help my nieces avoid potential unnecessary medication, if they carry the gene and get pregnant in the future. I am pleased though that I did manage to lose some weight and am still doing fitness three times a week which helps my overall mood and gets me out the house. Hope you continue to keep those HbA1c levels in check.
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