Increase Insulin : Carb Ratio?


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Is there a way for me to increase the insulin to carb ratio? Right now I use 1:3 during the midday and night while in the mornings I use a 1:2 ratio. It drains my Novorapid like crazy so im looking for ways to reduce it (other than reducing my food intake). Thankss
First check your basal dose is right @commit How’s your blood sugar in the few hours after eating? Are you going low a lot? If not, and your basal dose is ok, then those ratios are just what you need.

To improve your insulin sensitivity, you could try a very low fat diet and exercising more. I trialled a very low fat plant-based diet and improved my insulin sensitivity even though it was already very good.
Are you on MDI / pens or an insulin pump @commit ?

The body tends to be more slightly more sensitive to infused insulin - though you’d need to meet the criteria for an insulin pump to test that theory.

T1s with insulin resistance who need higher than average insulin doses can sometimes find it effective to add metformin which can help improve insulin sensitivity.

Or as @Inka says, there is some evidence that shows a very very low fat diet can help with insulin sensitivity in some people.
Here's an interesting video demonstrating the idea of lowering fat and increasing carbs as a mean to improving insuin sensitivity and getting much better mileage from insulin used:

I was doing low carb and got insulin resistant. I upped my carbs* and my body adjusted quickly...only took about a week

* not delibratly..i had kidney stones and went off my grub and the only stuff i wanted to eat was high carb...bread, etc. Comfort food
Type one talks (the posted video) is pretty good as the guy has t1 diabetes and just says what works for him...he's not selling one particular way