Increase in blood glucose after booster covid vaccination

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Glen More

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I had a booster vaccination on Wednesday. The vaccine was Moderna whereas my fist two jabs were Astra Zeneca. Overnight I suffered chills, headache and other aches typical of flu. I still feel very rough but these symptoms are the typical side affects for the Moderna vaccine but I did not quite expect the severity. The Astra Zeneca vaccine side affects were mild headache and slight malaise for a day and was before my diagnosis. Since the booster jab my blood glucose levels have increased from 6.5 yesterday to 14.2 a couple of hours ago. I am assuming that after the side effects wear off they should return to lower levels. Has anyone else noticed this and how long should I wait before seeing my GP if the glucose levels do not drop down again.
Hi @Glen More Yes, higher blood glucose is quite common after a Covid vaccination. Are you on any meds for the diabetes? I note that you mentioned in another thread that Type 1/LADA was a possibility? Have you had tests for that?

14.2 is high but not horribly high. If your blood sugar was high teens or more, I’d suggest phoning your surgery for advice.
Thanks for the reply Inka. Just the information I was after. I am on Metformin slow release 4 tablets a day.

It was someone else who suggested Type 1/LADA. The speed with which my blood glucose levels came down does seem to discount that. Discussed with my GP and we both agree that in my case it seems unlikely.
Ok - make sure you keep well-hydrated. You might also need to reduce your carbs slightly while your blood sugar is high. Hopefully it won’t last too long. I had higher levels after my Covid booster but they only lasted roughly a week.
I had my booster yesterday, first 2 were AZ, this time I was pfizered. Sugars have been raised a little, arm is quite sore, kept me awake.
Hope your raised BG and flu-like symptoms have begun to ease over the weekend @Glen More 🙂
My daughter had the Pfizer one a couple of weeks ago. No unpleasant symptoms other than a sore arm for a couple of hours, but she has been running her pump at an increased rate ever since to try to keep her BG down. I think she's now managed to reduce it a bit but not quite back to normal yet!
Well - considering the body's reaction producing antibodies is virtually the same as when it detects a foreign virus, and any infection increases the BG, it isn't rocket science that this should happen. is it? Nor should it be that it takes flippin ages for the BG to fully resume normal service. Also (probably?) says more about how you can be infectious for far longer than you are ill, with whatever.

I've never been 'properly ill' and only had one accident where I broke anything since I've had diabetes, so have largely gone through life never noticing these subtle nuances of BG for myself. Even though 'Yeah yeah, I knew that, yawn' it was still a terrible shock when I broke my knee and experienced it for myself.
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