Incorrect low readings on my Libre

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
I am currently on holiday in Spain and 4 days into my holiday. All of last night and some of today my Libre has been given false low readings. I was very worried last night and was drinking orange juice and eating carbs but still showing low readings. I eventually did a finger prick test and got a totally different reading. So I shut the alarms off and went to sleep. Has anybody had similar experience with a Libre? I have been using for 12 months and not had any problems. Should I replace the Libre with a new one? Or could the problem be with the app on my phone. Why do problems occur at the most inconvenient times!! Any thoughts suggestions

You should always be checking a libre low or high reading with a fingerprick test straight away, as they do tend to read too low/high at the extremes.
Yes, there are a few reasons for incorrect readings on Libre
- sensors are calibrated to be most accurate for ”normal” numbers. When around 4 or lower, it may be inaccurate. This is why all lows (and highs) should be tested with finger pricks before correcting.
- CGMs, including Libre, can experience “compression lows”. This is when pressure applied to the sensor results in them reporting false lows. The most common time for this to happen is overnight when we may fall asleep on the arm with the sensor in.
- CGMs read Interstitial Fluid Readings. These are about 15 minutes behind Blood Gludose readings. Libre 2 attempts to predict these 15 minutes by extrapolating the current trend of the graph. This is great until the trend changes such as when you treat a hypo with fast acting carbs. The Libre will report as if the downward trend continued and will look as if the low lasts longer. For this reason, it is recommended to test for hypo recovery with finger pricks before re-treating the hypo.
- some sensors are faulty. if you report these to Abbott, they will replace them free of charge.

These points are well known and often repeated on foras but, disappointingly, they are not taught to us when we are prescribed Libre.
I am currently on holiday in Spain and 4 days into my holiday. All of last night and some of today my Libre has been given false low readings. I was very worried last night and was drinking orange juice and eating carbs but still showing low readings. I eventually did a finger prick test and got a totally different reading. So I shut the alarms off and went to sleep. Has anybody had similar experience with a Libre? I have been using for 12 months and not had any problems. Should I replace the Libre with a new one? Or could the problem be with the app on my phone. Why do problems occur at the most inconvenient times!! Any thoughts suggestions

I had a similar issue last week while on holiday to St Andrew’s. My reader ( I use the reader and the phone), would not pick up any data when scanning the sensor. It showed a red alert to change sensor which was only 7 days old. Using my phone, the sensor was out by about three. By luck reading all the posts about being prepared I had an extra reader and sensor with me. I did email Abbott with all the serial numbers but no response. I will email again this week. I have had the Libre2 since July 2021, this is only my 2nd issue. It is such a nuisance when on holiday.
I had a similar issue last week while on holiday to St Andrew’s. My reader ( I use the reader and the phone), would not pick up any data when scanning the sensor. It showed a red alert to change sensor which was only 7 days old. Using my phone, the sensor was out by about three. By luck reading all the posts about being prepared I had an extra reader and sensor with me. I did email Abbott with all the serial numbers but no response. I will email again this week. I have had the Libre2 since July 2021, this is only my 2nd issue. It is such a nuisance when on holiday.
Have you tried reporting it on the online form? Gets quicker resolution than emailing them usually.
Thanks for comments really useful. I have changed my sensor ( I was sensible enough to bring a spare ) but still getting low readings eg 3.2 on sensor and 7.9 from finger test. I will use finger test for the rest of the holiday and report problems when I get back.
I did email Abbott with all the serial numbers but no response. I will email again this week. I have had the Libre2 since July 2021, this is only my 2nd issue. It is such a nuisance when on holiday.

Calling the Abbott helpline seems to get you ‘in the system’ far. ire promptly than emailing them.

Sorry you had a frustrating time with your Libre sensor while on holiday @Val14. Hope it didn‘t disrupt your time away too much. I always find sensors especially helpful when on holiday, because the normal routine goes out of the window!
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