Inaccurate cgm

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Bethan Sainty

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi there,

I have started using the freestyle libre for the first time, im now on day 3 and I'm having inaccurate readings, sensor reading at 17.2 blood reading at 11.3, I can usually feel if I'm that high at 17.2 this being why I finger pricked, can anyone help to why this is happening, many thanks in advance.
I've been using Libre for a while, and I tend to find the readings are a bit lower than my meter at the bottom end, a bit higher at the top end, and spot in in the mid range. I think a lot of people find discrepancies between the Libre and their meters, but I find it invaluable for giving you the trends, and the overnight trace. I wouldn't rely on it totally to do a correction dose, though, I always check on the meter.
Another point is, that if your blood glucose is changing rapidly, remember the a Libre lags behind by about 10 minutes or so. Often when I've had a big discrepancy, I've swiped the Libre again after ten minutes and found it much closer to what my meter was telling me ten minutes previously.

Steff, the link isn't a lot of use after the first page (it goes into a one man diatribe by a disgruntled poster who seems to have knocked his sensor off on a doorway and is blaming Abbot)
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Hi Bethan, Welcome. My readings are max of 2.0 out from my meter and often a lot closer.
If I were you I would phone Abbott's helpline number to see What they say.
I've found them very helpful. Im thinking they will replace the sensor and want your one back to test it.
From advise I've had on here, I now allow 2 days for the sensor and area to settle down before I activate the sensor .
I agree with what everyone else says, the libre does tend to read higher at the top end. I also think it helps to keep well hydrated otherwise the glucose becomes more concentrated in the interstitial fluid.
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