In the local paper again !

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
I'm in the paper again with two friends this time. Daniela, you might want to read this, we did an interview this week. The journolist has emailed the article to the Bexhill Observer and they are hoping to get it in there next week.

At the very beginning I told the report that every time she typed the word diabetes, she had to put type one before it and she has bless her.

well done to you all down there ....and the journo for getting the wording correct x very interesting stuff x
Brilliant article, well done for all your hard work. It's certainly paying off and raising awareness with everyone
It won't change anything, we have been trying to years, but it will annoy them and I love annoying them as they annoy the hell out of me as they get it sooooo wrong down here. Tom can tell you all about how wrong.........
Great article Adrienne! Well done to you and the others involved xx
The kids team in Eastbourne is pretty poor. I know, I've been with them from 1996 to 2007. The adults team however is a completely different ball game and they are much better. The damn kids consultants advice to me and my father was basically to do what we found worked. As if we hadn't been doing that already! This is a woman who could barely speak English (something of a pre requisite to be a doctor I foolishly thought! Also it was one hell of a problem for my dad for whom English is his third language) and would always go on about my weight when there was never an isssue. I accept now I may well have an issue with my weight but that is being sorted slowly but surely. To be honest, I wouldn't advise that people go to the Eastbourne paediatric diabetes team, standards have dropped ever since Pari Shepard retired. She was the first nurse who looked after me and she was wonderful. The somewhat shoddy consultant (Dr A.N Other if I recall correctly) is frankly abismal. Gone are the days of Dr Y (again, spelling query) and his predecessors who were damn good. I do love my new team. John my nurse is excellent and thoroughly down to earth as a type one pumper himself. Sally is great as are the other two nurses (whose names I have rather embarrassingly forgotten!) Drs L and B are also damn good at what they do. Dr Bending is in charge of the pump clinic and he is damn good at his job as I am led to believe. Dr L was my previous consultant and he is also damn good at his job.
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Adrienne - you beat me to it! Well done and lets hope you annoy the hospital enough for them to make some changes.🙂Bev
Well Tom, funnily enough, *** was called out of retirement last September. Our rubbish PDSN who covers my two local hospitals went on a years secondment (thank god). The replacement who was non diabetes trained went on long term sick the actual day of take over. They were going to do nothing about it so we had a meeting with the PCT and told her, who allegedly knew nothing and got to work pronto.

The next thing we know is that retired person is back but only for two days a week covering 130 odd kids plus new diagnosed. I have heard that she ended up doing about 60 hours a week (but only part time !!!). She missed a few appointments and friends gave up bothering but she was really over stretched so can understand missed appointments.

I think she has gone again as the long term sick lady is now back. She seems really eager and has gone up to the London hospital and sat in on pump training but I imagine she will be gone come September as the rubbish one will be back !!! We need both.

Yep doc is still there and still can't really speak English. She told my friend's daughter when she was 9 that if she can't get her levels down she will chop her legs off !!! 😱

What more can I say.
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Well Tom, funnily enough, Pari Shepard was called out of retirement last September.
Yep de Silva is still there and still can't really speak English. She told my friend's daughter when she was 9 that if she can't get her levels down she will chop her legs off !!! 😱

What more can I say.

I bumped into Pari In November I think when she came back. I was there for my pre pump clinic. She did look rather over worked. Not surprising given what you've just said.

As for Dr A.N. Other, well, you needn't say any more.

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Adrienne, is that really true about T1 knocking 24 years off life expectancy? 😱

I didn't say that, one of the others did and I let it slide as a shock tactic. We have had this conversation before on the cwd email list.

We believe this old statistics. These days it is not that high because control is so much tighter ie MDI, carb counting and pumps of course. This is why it is absolutely essential that these damned mixed insulins are banned completely and MDI is the starting point or even better pumps are a starting point.

This stat is pre all of that so the result now would be much different. Hope that makes you feel better 🙂 and not so 😱
Hi guys, not sure you should be making derogatory statements about named individuals, could you edit your posts please? (However true they may be!)
I didn't say that, one of the others did and I let it slide as a shock tactic. We have had this conversation before on the cwd email list.

We believe this old statistics. These days it is not that high because control is so much tighter ie MDI, carb counting and pumps of course. This is why it is absolutely essential that these damned mixed insulins are banned completely and MDI is the starting point or even better pumps are a starting point.

This stat is pre all of that so the result now would be much different. Hope that makes you feel better 🙂 and not so 😱

Yep! It does 🙂

I've just been trying to not pay too much attention to those sorts of statistics, because they got me very upset, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let this steal away years of my life. 😎
I didn't say that, one of the others did and I let it slide as a shock tactic. We have had this conversation before on the cwd email list.

We believe this old statistics. These days it is not that high because control is so much tighter ie MDI, carb counting and pumps of course. This is why it is absolutely essential that these damned mixed insulins are banned completely and MDI is the starting point or even better pumps are a starting point.

This stat is pre all of that so the result now would be much different. Hope that makes you feel better 🙂 and not so 😱

When we went to JDRF they said the figure was a worldwide figure and taking third world countries into account - these poor people cant get their hands on insulin and its a historical statistic that doesnt relate to modern day or the Western world.🙂Bev
I will definitely stand behind the adults team. They are a world away from the paediatric team that we have in Eastbourne.
That really is great to know. I will let my friends know about that. 🙂
Adrienne, is that really true about T1 knocking 24 years off life expectancy? 😱

The other half of the sentence is fascinating as well ..." the pump can give 12 to 14 years back." Where does that stat come from ?
Bit scary bout the statistical part the 24 yrs and the pump giving back though, these arent true are they?! 😱

Great article though, love the way the journalist mentioned type1 lots of times, you obviously got through to her 😉 xx
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