In preparation of a pump.....

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all

After many months of pestering we have been told that my 10yo son will be getting a pump in the new year -an animas vibe. To be honest the day we were told I started to think what the hell am I doing, his control is ok on MDI and carb counting (in reality his readings are way too unpredictable and the MDI doesn't keep up with his active/sporty lifestyle). Now we have had a chance to get out heads around it we are very excited.

I wanted to ask for any hints and tips in preparation of the arrival of the pump. Is there any equipment you would recommended; any reading; any good sites/reading for my son?

Thanks in advance.
Hello Maria, things you will need will include some match sticks for basal testing as eyes will need to be propped open, plus the book pumping insulin as Northerner has linked for you.
I'm not sure if there are any books aimed at youngsters regarding pumping so perhaps ask the hospital team if they know of one and also look on INPUT as they might know of one as well.

Make sure you have plenty of extra test strips his insulin in vials for filling pump cartridge and plenty of quick acting glucose for any lows.
Excellent for your son ! It will take a good few weeks to get the pump sorted for him. But it is worth it 😎
Thanks all,
Still going from panic to joy and back again. Will get our first diabetic Christmas over us and then start the countdown.
Thanks all,
Still going from panic to joy and back again. Will get our first diabetic Christmas over us and then start the countdown.
It's called fear of the unknown, we all went through it when first starting to pump, so try not to worry about and just take one day at a time, you will be fine 🙂
... and if you ain't fine - scream for help! LOL Been there done that (haven't I, Sue!) - you will GET that help.

What about JDRF? - do they publish any guidance on pumping? - seem like the people most likely to do so?
Good luck with the pump!🙂
Good luck with the trtansition. And don't worry - everyone has the "WHAT ON EARTH AM I DOING" moment(s).

Bizarrely I think Christmas is a perfect time to switch. Partly because it's always trickier so you can let yourself off the hook if things aren't 'perfect' (HA!) straight away, and also because one of the *major* benefits of a pump is that mini-boluses are so mich easier with a few presses of buttons. So an occasional dip into Quality Street or two can be accommodated much more easily :D
You will love the flexibility that a pump gives you! Be prepared for the first 2-3 weeks to be really hard work - lots of fingerprick tests day and night to get the basal profile set correctly.

I don't know if the animas comes with any belt clip or pouch, but you'll need something of the kind. My son likes spibelts:

You could also look at the Funky Pumpers website for accessories (this is owned by a Mum of a type 1 child):
Good luck with the trtansition. And don't worry - everyone has the "WHAT ON EARTH AM I DOING" moment(s).

Bizarrely I think Christmas is a perfect time to switch. Partly because it's always trickier so you can let yourself off the hook if things aren't 'perfect' (HA!) straight away, and also because one of the *major* benefits of a pump is that mini-boluses are so mich easier with a few presses of buttons. So an occasional dip into Quality Street or two can be accommodated much more easily :D

Mike they're not getting the pump till the New Year!
Oops! As you were.

Sorry! Skim reading strikes again 😛
Wow exciting new year present. As has already been said, once you get sorted out you will love it. Best wishes to you both.
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