In pain

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Ghost Hunter

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everybody

I have had ear ache for over a week now but it starts with pain from my tooth after eatting or drinking. I have tried flossing and sensitive toothpaste and that helps to some degree and in the past have had my ears cleaned out by the nurse and still get quite a bit of wax in them and have Tinnitus which doesnt help with the hearing 🙄

I can't take the irritation anymore and am going to get myself checked out but I cant figure out if it's a problem with my tooth or a problem with my ear and so should I make an appointment to see my GP or dentist first?? :confused:

The only thing that's changed other than the physical symptoms has been the medications I am taking and I am wondering if these are causing such sensations perhaps :( alternatively knowing my luck it's the darn wisdome tooth coming through (I have 1 left cos I had 3 out when I was a teenager and last x-ray I had a year ago showed it was almost non existant despite the dentist in my teens predicting it would need removing in my 30's - only a couple more years to go though if he's right!)

Anyway thanks for listening and have a good weekend.


I had something similar a few years ago and it was the tooth. I'm not a doctor or a dentist though! I'd personally see the dentist as he/she would be able to take an x-ray of your mouth and either confirm or set your mind at rest.

Hope it works out ok!🙂
See the dentist as it sounds more likely to be the tooth. An xray will rule out all kinds of things.

Once you have seen the dentist, if there is nothing wrong with your teeth, see the doctor. Very occaisionaly things like sinusitus also contributes to tooth ache.

Don't forget it has also been very cold recently so that could also affect sensitive teeth, so wrap up as much as you can and see if that helps too.
I had this just before Christmas. Similar thing anyway. couldnt tell if it was my ear or my tooth.
I went to the dentist, and an x-ray later, found out that the nerve in my tooth had died, hence the aggonising pain eating, drinking and breathing to a degree. I had the tooth removed, and the ear ache went at the same time.

I'd go to the dentist. Hopefully its not the same thing, but the x-ray will soon tell you.

Good luck and chin up
I know it may sound a bit strange but a friend had numerous problems with what she thought was trouble with a tooth. Even had it taken out. When this did not resolve the problem tests showed it was a blocked sinus.
Like everyone else, I started off with severe toothache, what seems like every tooth on one side of my mouth was SO very painful, I had cluster headaches and the eye on that side constantly smarted, ran with a tear like fluid.

So, off I went firstly to the dentist (which for a real 'feartie', I'm terrified) to have my teeth checked out. He checked me over and advised that my teeth were fine - go to my doctor and tell them it was not my teeth.

This I did, the GP checked me out and confirmed a bad dose of isinusitis. A strong dose of antibiotics, no more toothache, and within a few days all was well

The human body is a complex thing
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