In Hospital for 5 weeks

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Anxious 63

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I dont post to often but i have been very ill recently i am type 2 and i suffer badly from anxiety as well , i was drinking a bit too much thinking it would relax me and it did , however about 6 weeks ago i started to feel really ill i went to hospital feeling like i had infection they diagnosed left sided pneumonia at first but then 2 days later they said i had a bad attack of pancreatitis and i was in for 5 weeks , i was very shocked at all this and confused because nothing much had been picked up on previous blood tests , this made my anxiety 10 times worse because i felt i had been lied to previously after saying i had not felt well , i remain in pain on left side of stomach and have terrible constipation which laxatives have not helped. the diabetic nurse came to see me because my blood sugars were going up and down she put me on glicazade and took me off empaglafiion , i am home now but feel absolutley drained and feel very confused about the whole saga , they said some of my minerals were very low and that i was anaemic , i feel now i do not trust the doctors or my gp especially after they found cysts on my pancreas as well
I hope you will sone be feeling better. I suspect you need Creon which is a pancreatic enzyme to replace what you are not producing. The tell tale signs are the blood sugars misbehaving as they are.

Unless your GP did a specific test for pancreatic problems then they would not show up any problem.
There is no way on earth you can blame the GP for your problems. You should be under a pancreatic team so if not then ask for a referral.
What ever you do do not drink alcohol. If you are not absorbing food properly then you will be suffering from malnutrition hence why you are anaemic.
I have an unwelcome friend(cyst) on my pancreas and now have to have MRI scans every 6 months to make sure nothing nasty is going on.
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Sorry to hear about your worries, and the health problems you have been facing @Anxious 63 :(

And especially how difficult your anxiety is making thing fir you, and the negative impact on the relationships with your HCPs.

Glad you are back from hospital at last. Hope the trust between you and your GP surgery can be restored, and you can get the help and support you need.
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Well, @Anxious 63, I'm not surprised you feel unwell. Presumably someone has told you that the Acute Pancreatitis is due to your alcohol intake. You are lucky to still be around, 1 in 4 cases of AP leave hospital in a box. At the moment, your pancreas is in a complex state of disarray.

Your digestive enzymes, which the pancreas produces, will be much reduced. The beta cells in the pancreas produce insulin, and that production will be well down. These factors cause two of your problems - the bowels, and the high blood sugars. Using Gliclazide to flog any remaining Beta cells to produce insulin is not a good idea. You would be better off using insulin to give the injured pancreas a break, and taking Creon (a digestive enzyme preparation) to shoulder the the other work of the pancreas.

I don't know where you live, but you really need to be under the care of a good pancreatic team who are well experienced in the consequences of pancreatitis. You should be under their care because of the cysts on the pancreas, which are in themselves not significant, unless they impinge on any outlet ducts, so need to be regularly monitored. I suspect this supervision will happen automatically, so you should hear from them fairly soon. They will be able to ally any anxiety you have about this problem, and advise you on diet.

I would concur with @Pumper_Sue, you must not drink any alcohol at all - even the smallest amount can cause a recurrence of AP, with the risks I explained in the first paragraph of this post. This is the advice you would receive on the pancreatitis forum, which I would recommend. That's This is a locked forum - you can't browse it without logging on. There are hundreds there who share your story.
Plenty of good advice from people like @mikeyB . I just wanted to emphasise how deadly this condition is. A friend became ill on the Saturday and died on the Monday!

You can get lots of information from the charity that covers this condition - Guts UK
Dry since 2013. Gives me migraines.
Ok thanks for your posts everyone i was re admitted again in December and was discharged middle of February this was due to vomiting back at home , i was put back on anti biotics and painkillers was vomiting in hospital had to have oxygen got left sided pneumonia again , also got c-diff a bowel infection causes the runs and a water infection , lost 3 stone in total and still feel rough , still on some anti biotics they said i had necrotizing pancreatitis which is now chronic , at my wits end
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