In a bad state


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm making this post so I can be held responsible for my bad diabetes. For the past 2 years I've struggled with mental health to the point I didn't want to be alive. I went to junk food for comfort and to feel good about myself. My hbc1a was 96 then 95 and now probably 100 plus.

I eat chocolate qnd crisps every night because I spored out of control and then 3 months ago I lost my brother to suicide. He was all I had and who support me.

Today I took charge of my life and went for my diabetic review. I've lost 8 pounds in 2 years and I know this isn't much but to me it's something. I'm on triple meds now for my diabetes and have constant high readings. I am ashamed of what I did and how I acted but everything got on top of me and I snapped.

I've done my shopping and not included any crisps or chocolate at all. I'm eating more fruit and some veg as don't like it that much. Having baked potato instead of chips or potatoes.
I just hope my pancreas gives me 1 last chance to turn this around and I haven't done any more lasting damage.

I have a medical review soon to start a plan on warning off anti psychotic drugs as they make me want to eat everything. So if I don't have it on the house then I can't eat it.
When I see the diabetic nurse in a week I will own up to what I did and tell her the steps I'm doing to rectify it.

I don't have a meter to check my bloods but I know within myself they are high. I miss my brother more than anything in this world but he would want me to get better and live on.

Sorry I hqve to write this but I needed to own up to my mistakes.
Welcome to the forum, like you when I found this forum my HbA1c was over 100, only yesterday I got access to my blood tests going back to 2007 and the highest HbA1c score was 107 🙄
not good,
sometimes I think it does us good to own up to our mistakes and seek help & support,
hope you get some great advice from the friendly lot we are on here

good that you’ve soon got a appointment to see a DSN
onwards und upwards
So sorry for the loss of your brother @Marko2020 xx
You’re being very brave to admit your bad diet and even braver to begin to take control. What you’ve done and your plans to improve things sound good. Keep going x
So sad to read about your brothers death @Marko2020 but please dont beat yourself up over past mistakes and move forward with the plan...oh and by the way...welcome to the forum.