Impossible question sorry

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New to the forum . Sorry this is an impossible question , but i am broken with anxiety right now .

Would anyone know why the doctor has asked for a telephone phone call with my 83 yr old long term type 2 diabetic father following his URINE test yesterday ?

He already has an appointment scheduled with his diabetic nurse in a few days ...but this is despite that and following his urine test that they have asked him for a doctors one too . ( he is long term diabetic) .

Happened to anyone else ? Ideas of what they have found . Thank you ❤️
He already has an appointment scheduled with his diabetic nurse in a few days ...but this is despite that and following his urine test that they have asked him for a doctors one too . ( he is long term diabetic) .
It might just be the doctor wants to repeat the test just to make sure. (This test (presuming it's the albumin to creatinine ratio) can be a sign of kidney problems but it can also be more transient things.) The test is (probably) the urine test mentioned on this page:
It might just be the doctor wants to repeat the test just to make sure. (This test (presuming it's the albumin to creatinine ratio) can be a sign of kidney problems but it can also be more transient things.) The test is (probably) the urine test mentioned on this page:
Thank you so much Bruce . I absolutely appreciate the time and trouble you took to help me . Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Now I think about it, the doctor might also be interested in knowing about symptoms (listed on that page, or perhaps others that might be relevant for whatever the test showed).

(But as you say it's an impossible question for us to answer and I'm mostly guessing.)
Now I think about it, the doctor might also be interested in knowing about symptoms (listed on that page, or perhaps others that might be relevant for whatever the test showed).

(But as you say it's an impossible question for us to answer and I'm mostly guessing.)
Thanks Bruce .....i am just worn down with anxiety . I appreciate your help . Hoping its nothing life threatening , or anything like cancer .....or something as sinister . I can cope if its about kidney disease etc ...just feel too fragile to take anything really nasty on at the mo . Thank you ❤️
If you are your dad's registered carer, surely the doc would have explained what he wanted the urine sample to test for? As far as I'm aware, they are not supposed to carry out any tests without explaining why/what for?
Elderly people are quite prone to Urinary tract infection especially if his diabetes is not well managed. Was it done a part of routine checks or because he had some symptoms?
Hopefully it will be something straightforward that can be treated easily.
If you are your dad's registered carer, surely the doc would have explained what he wanted the urine sample to test for? As far as I'm aware, they are not supposed to carry out any tests without explaining why/what for?
Hi . Thank you . Im not his carer as such ...just his worried daughter . On his paperwork it says

Diabetic review
Request urine albumin: creatinine ratio

He is long term diabetic ...just wondered why a phone call from doctor is needed when he has his review with the diabetic nurse in a week or so anyway .
Any ideas ? Thank you ❤️
Elderly people are quite prone to Urinary tract infection especially if his diabetes is not well managed. Was it done a part of routine checks or because he had some symptoms?
Hopefully it will be something straightforward that can be treated easily.
Hi. Thank you so much . Yeah its a routine check .....just wondering why the doctor needs to speak to him as well as his routine diabetic nurse appointment. Seems to indicate something more serious ? Just wondering what that might be . Thank you ❤️
Seems to indicate something more serious ? Just wondering what that might be .
It presumably means the test wasn't negative, but that leaves lots of options. (Maybe it returned no result for some reason so needs to be repeated, maybe it indicated a small change (so nothing to worry about but he'll need another test in 3 or 6 months rather than the usual year), etc.)

I'm afraid only the phone call will reveal the answer.
It does appear to be one of the routine tests done when somebody has diabetes and if there is something out of range then it is good that it has been picked up early and treatment can be given or he can be advised of measures to put things right.
It is easy to second guess and think the worst but if you are going to be there then make sure you get a proper explanation.
From my diagnosis 50 years ago until approx 5 years ago, I always had to supply a urine sample once a year from which they tested my Albumen to Creatinine ratio, which I always understood was to check your kidneys were working ok - but they've stopped doing that now, I assumed it was now covered within the
annual blood test which always includes both U & E (urea & electrolytes) and eGFR (estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate) which also give em info on your kidney function health. My hospital review meeting is tomorrow pm, so I'll ask!
Well it was always the annual tests the GP surgery did, not those the hospital did, for the last 20ish years. Last couple of years, GP surgery doesn't do ANY.
Thank you so much for your help everyone. Your responses are appreciated more than i can say or explain .
I really appreciate them all . Thank you ❤️
Thank you again for your help folks . Yeah apparently you are supposed to be offered at least annual urine AND blood tests ....noticed thats been confirmed too in the link Bruce kindly supplied . Thats the minimum ....sometimes more often is required .

My dad is showing signs of kidney damage sadly , so his meds has been changed . Just wish i could live with him to help him manage his meals better etc .

But he is on some different tablets and we are monitoring his bp . Urine re test in 3 months .

Thank you again for your help in answering me everyone .

You helped me calm my anxiety and I appreciate you ❤️❤️❤️
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