Impact of bad cold on sugars?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
I'm just at tail end of an awful cold and although feeling much better (aside from a chesty cough) my blood sugars are still way higher than normal. I'm a well controlled LADA sufferer. Anyone else experienced a lag in sugars normalising post illness? I've upped my lantus etc but is a challenge to get under control currently
Hi @WoogieBoogie, Welcome to the Forum, Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well but good you are on the mend. I dont have the same as you, and im still learning, But from reading various posts on here relating to all kinds of diabetic types, its my understanding that yes illness, stress, dehydration, all manner of things can give readings one doesn't expect. If you are worried or its prolonged i would suggest either a chat with a pharmacist, a telephone consultation with yr Dr (If your surgery supports this service) or make apmt and go see DN ? Hope it levels off again for you soon, all the best.
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That often happens when you've been ill cos the blood cells aren't replaced that quick! Have to keep a closer eye on it, though, cos the higher BG will wear off and stop without telling you first.
Strange one, started with cold 2 weeks back, first few days bg fine, even mentioned it here on forum, after this bg started to rise so ended up upping basal rates, lasted about 5 days before bg normalised.

Still got cold just cant shake it off, throat still sore nose bunged up, seeing dr on Monday so will mention it, probably nowt to worry about but not had cold that lingered so long.
Strange one, started with cold 2 weeks back, first few days bg fine, even mentioned it here on forum, after this bg started to rise so ended up upping basal rates, lasted about 5 days before bg normalised.

Still got cold just cant shake it off, throat still sore nose bunged up, seeing dr on Monday so will mention it, probably nowt to worry about but not had cold that lingered so long.
I had permanent colda for about 2 and a half months late last year, everytime I got rid of it Bruce or my grandad passed their germs on again, Bruce has to share a welders helmet at work so picks them up regularly and my grandad well he just doesn't cover his mouth or that while coughing and spluttering with them 🙄 xx
I rather think Kaylz, in this day and age, that Bruce ought to raise the issue of sharing one helmet with his Health & Safety rep.
I rather think Kaylz, in this day and age, that Bruce ought to raise the issue of sharing one helmet with his Health & Safety rep.
Unfortunately as he isn't employed there as a blaster and does it when the part time isn't there and the other one is on holiday/doing nightshift they wont get him a helmet of his own xx
I had permanent colda for about 2 and a half months late last year, everytime I got rid of it Bruce or my grandad passed their germs on again, Bruce has to share a welders helmet at work so picks them up regularly and my grandad well he just doesn't cover his mouth or that while coughing and spluttering with them 🙄 xx

That's the thing, is it same cold or another one.
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