i'm very angry

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hi everyone

i am really angry with my diabetes team and need to get it all off my chest

i have not been diabetic long i first found out on the 11/10/09 when i ended up in hospital following a massive seizure was told in hospital that i would need to test reguarly

on my first visit to the diabetic nurse, i was given a few leaflets, told to diet, and asked to return in the morning for a fasting bloods, the result of those fasting bloods arrived at the surgery, and although i asked the results were kept from me

on my second visit to the diabetic nurse the 18/11/09 i finally found out the results which was 11 i know that this is high , i mentioned this and they did not seem too bothered

i have asked for a glucose meter, and been refused, and i can't afford to buy one as we are on benefits. i have also been told that the diabetic team will next see me in february .

is this right? i am really scared about having another seizure what should i do ? please help. thanks for listening

Where do you live?
That sounds unbelievably cavalier to me, especially after a seizure. Can you change practices? I would. I may have some problems with my doctor but at least the standard of basic care is good.
she part of the doctors surgery

I would suggest that you make an appointment to see the doctor and thrash it out with them. I know that due to costs, most surgeries are reluctant
to give out meters and prescribe strips etc but I think given what happened to you that you could maybe twist the doctor's arm with reasoning.

The NICE guidelines for type 2 state that self monitoring is a useful tool in helping t2's with control of blood glucose levels. If you still don't get anywhere, tell them you are going to your MP.

It's really not fair that the treatment you get is dependant on where you live. I really hope you can get this sorted out.


Hi, I'm sorry to hear that you've been fobbed off (from reading your post, this is how it seems!). I'd suggest you trawl the net for companies offering free meters - if you can get a few then you'll probably get strips with them and won't need to buy any for a while. When you get them, record everything - waking levels, pre-meal, what you ate and what you were 2 hours after. If your doctor sees that you are serious you are better placed to insist on a prescription for your preferrred meter/strips.

Was the 11 an HbA1c test do you know, or just a fasting test? If a fasting test, ask for you HbA1c so you have a guideline for the future. Was the seizure due to your diabetes? As I understand it, that is quite rare - what explanation did they give?

Don't give up hope, you have all of us to back you up!🙂
Sounds like you have a tough time. If you want a meter make an appointment with your doctor, out line why you want a meter and ask for one. Sometimes there are spare meters unused laying round doctors surgeries as company reps leave samples. If not trawl the different company sites to see if you can get a free one. Do you belong to DUK as meters are often advertised there, and in Sweet magazine if you have a copy.

I hope you are feeling better and things work out for you.
an update

Hi everyone

Thought i would up date you i have written a letter to the surgery venting my anger waiting a reply, while i wait, i have taken northerners advice, and i have ordered a couple of free meters. (thanks mate) so i feel a little better

thanks recyclequeen
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that they see reason and give you the resources that you need.

Take care

Karina 🙂
Bless you sweetie its hard enough with out all this hassle...you tell your gp that other pratices are not taking this stance and that testing especially within first year of D is important ! last year i used probably 150 strips ....?75 on going rate on ebay....what proportion of their budget is being used for you ???? i had no problem asking for stripe from my GP on Thursday ...why is that any different to you in cumbria????
ps hows the water up there been thinking of you lot in cumbria awful lot xxx
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