I'm taking Victoza not Byetta

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all, I was due to start Byetta but when i arrived at the clinic i was given Victoza instead. Anyway i've started taking it.. day 4 today and no major side effects yet!...bit of a lose tummy today but nothing too bad. No sickness so fingers crossed.

Is anyone else on this? and how are you finding it? how are your sugars and weight loss?

My sugars are greatly reduced already, i'd wake up with 13's-15's and i was 8.4 this morning so doing great stuff so far:D. Not been on the scales so far thought i'd wait a week at least.
Good to hear that it is working well for you kellyt! Can't comment on Victoza as I'm on insulin, but it sounds good that you aren't having side-effects - I've heard that they can be quite bad with Byetta, so sounds like a better choice :)
It's a really new drug so not so many people on it yet. Good that you are seeing results so soon. Does it matter what time of day you inject it or does it need to be in the morning?
Not heard much of it think rachelT had mentioned it breifly when talking about byetta etc etc, but well done on seeing good results quickly x
Not meaning to hijack the thread but it this victoza injected as well like byetta??
yes it is an injection, once a day where as byetta is twice a day. I do mine in the morning as i thought it'd be at it's most effective whislt i'm awake and eating food...it just says inject same time each day and it does last for the 24hrs so dont think it really matters.
I'm the first one on it at my dr's surgery as it is so new, i'll keep posting with how i'm going incase anyone is interested.:)
yes it is an injection, once a day where as byetta is twice a day. I do mine in the morning as i thought it'd be at it's most effective whislt i'm awake and eating food...it just says inject same time each day and it does last for the 24hrs so dont think it really matters.
I'm the first one on it at my dr's surgery as it is so new, i'll keep posting with how i'm going incase anyone is interested.:)

Any and all feedback would be great, as we can refer new members to the information if they come on asking about it. :)
Yeah, they were talking about replacing Byetta with Victoza at our clinic. I haven't see much of it pass through our pharmacy yet and i'm glad it seems to be working for you Kelly. Have you looked at Novo's website where they claim to have resourses like recipes and hints for Victoza users?
Hi Rachel, yes i joined the website "FRESH START" you need the batch number to get into it tho. They have a programme to follow for 6 weeks. You get an email every week with tips and things to help you. I'll report on that as the weeks go on as well.

Sugars last night before bed 10.9, on waking 8.9(day 5) have to say that is excellent i always wake higher than when i went to bed and with double figures!!..so.. so far so good:D

...right off to do some gardening and plant some veg! ;)
Well day 8 and upped the dose to 1.2mg as told. Was waiting for the sickness to hit me but nothing, am really pleased sugars are really good comapred to pre victoza it's working miracles. Popped on the scales and lost 4lbs..brill for me. Hubby goes back to work thursday so routine will be back to normal and shall be more healthy food wise...so hopefully even better results.

I was so worried it wouldn't work for me but so pleased it is:D

shall keep in touch

kelly x
Well day 8 and upped the dose to 1.2mg as told. Was waiting for the sickness to hit me but nothing, am really pleased sugars are really good comapred to pre victoza it's working miracles. Popped on the scales and lost 4lbs..brill for me. Hubby goes back to work thursday so routine will be back to normal and shall be more healthy food wise...so hopefully even better results.

I was so worried it wouldn't work for me but so pleased it is:D

shall keep in touch

kelly x

Thank you for updating us all and im so pleased things are going so well with you and the victoza hun x
That sounds great Kelly. I'm so pleased to here good stuff about drugs, you normally just hear about side effects. Keep at it, it's clearly working well for you.
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