I'm still questioning why they insist on seeing me so much

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
...maybe my consultant has got a crush on me 🙂 only joking

Next week
Monday - Blood Test at DR call form results
Thursday - Fertility Specialist to see what the next steps are and if I want to go down that avenue
Friday - Diabetic Specialist

I tried to change Fridays appoinment, as you can see I am at the asme hospital Thursday and Friday and thought work are going to kick of.

I called the hospital and was put through to my specialist secretary and she said 'Dr Issa will NOT let you change your apppoinment, he does not like you going for more than 4 weeks without seeing you and it has been stretched to 6 weeks as he is away on the Diabetes UK conference).

Bless him he has been fantastic and as he has moved from one hopital to another over the last 2 years he has taken me with him.

I think it is time to insist every 4 weeks is getting to much (I have already tried a few times)

But then again I should be greatful of the care I do get!!
It is great that a consultant is so keen on keeping an eye on things - i would just go with it for now. Also, if you do decided to go down the road of seeing a fertility specialist - you will probably need to see your consultant every couple of weeks as things change so much in pregnancy from what i have read on here. There are some people who would love their consultants to be so good - keep hold of him - he sounds great!🙂Bev
Id embrace it with open arms Di, I see santa more then i see my useless gp.
pmsl loved the santa story!
I am pleased you are getting such a good level of care. Go with it for now and see what happens. Speak to your specialist when you see him. SOmetimes you can get more from a face to face conversation rtaher than through secretaries on the phone.
I saw your location is stockport, just out of interest, are you at Stepping Hill Hospital?
Like Steff said, count yourself lucky!! From what I've heard its quite rare to have a supportive doctor and you sound like you have!! :D
if it was me i would keep a hold of him/her and never let goooooo sounds a gem not many of those in the world🙂
...maybe my consultant has got a crush on me 🙂 only joking

Next week
Monday - Blood Test at DR call form results
Thursday - Fertility Specialist to see what the next steps are and if I want to go down that avenue
Friday - Diabetic Specialist

I tried to change Fridays appoinment, as you can see I am at the asme hospital Thursday and Friday and thought work are going to kick of.

I called the hospital and was put through to my specialist secretary and she said 'Dr Issa will NOT let you change your apppoinment, he does not like you going for more than 4 weeks without seeing you and it has been stretched to 6 weeks as he is away on the Diabetes UK conference).

Bless him he has been fantastic and as he has moved from one hopital to another over the last 2 years he has taken me with him.

I think it is time to insist every 4 weeks is getting to much (I have already tried a few times)

But then again I should be greatful of the care I do get!!

I find that so interesting. I would probably be under Stockport PCT if I was still living with my parents, and I know my Mum's care (she's T2 as well) has been shocking, so I'd figured it wasn't the best place to be. 🙄
Bit like where I live Bev. My mum and dad are only a few miles from where I live and their medical care (all of it and not just the diabetic care) is MUCH better than mine. They have a practice of GPs that actually cares!
Hi All,

I'm currently at Wythenshawe- every 4 weeks!! - pls read story of how I ended up there.

When diagnosed I was very ill and was refered in the usual way to see a specialist 5 choices, Stepping Hill 4 month wait, Macclesfield 4 month wait etc etc (Can't remember the others). 4 Month Wait!! I knew that was unacceptable and I was an urgent case . & Then I remembered Private medical Bupa - called them and they said find someone etc. (Sorry if this is so long winded)

I looked up Dr Issa at the Alexander in Cheadle - my PM covered me for diagnosis and stablising only.

I told Dr Issa right from the start I was trying to start a family (I have a history of miscarriage) and he told me I had to stop until I had things under control.

So he took me on as a patient at his pre conception clinic at withington community hopsital - was there 12 months until he had his funding stopped and then he wrote to me and told me he was transfering me to Wythenshawe where he is the lead consultant.

It is Dr Issa who refered me to the gyn, and has now asked for the referal to the fertility clininc - the drugs I have been on have not worked for whatever reason and it is going to be neon impossible for mew to get pregnant now without help - sad really but I'm over that shock now.

For you guys struggling in the cheshire area I highly recommend Dr Issa's care - he has been brilliant. He insists on seeing me every visit - if one of his team takes my file he goes looking for it and takes it of them 😉
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