I'm sorry to have not been around much recently....

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello everyone,

I wanted to fly in and say BIG apologies for not being around much recently, especially after meeting up with some of you at the fab Brighton do. I am still around but had waaaaay too much on my plate. I thought i would check in though and say hi and explain myself.

I have been going through the mill recently with mucho stress. I went to my doctors finally today and i have been diagnosed with flipping 'alopecia areata' ....great!! I am going to lose all my hair i think!! Another autoimmune disease i think!! So i am feeling very sorry for myself and a tad miserable. Thats three autoimmune diseases i have - T1, hypothyroidism and now this crap (sorry).

My doctor was next to useless and went "arrr yes, its hard isn't it?" and when i told her how itchy my head was (after showing her bald spots to which she sucked the air in between her teeth saying 'oh yes hmmmm') she offered me medicated shampoo (i thought she was taking the mick).

Oh well, its an unpredictable disease and i hear some stories good and some bad. I most of the time think the worst but i really can't bear this thought at all and sends me into quite a spin of sadness. My mum god bless her says 'well, you have a good head of hair" and the doctor called this an "advantage"!!

I am not a happy bunny and will be no good at geeing others up and hence i have not been around. I know that you are all a great bunch and knew that you would be good to share this with, as quite frankly i want to curl up into a ball and fall into a big black hole into oblivion.

...much love to you all....

Bernie :(
oh bernie im so sorry to hear that *****!!!!*****?????XXXXX not fair realy is it ...cant help much but send you BIG HUGGGSSS and keep posting were are all here for you x🙂 rant away if need be
Oh Bernie,

Sorry to hear that hon. PM me any time you want to chat, or pass in this neck of the woods and fancy a pint and a whinge....

I really hope it doesnt get too bad for you. Lots of love xx
So sorry your are suffering so much at the moment. I dont know a lot about this condition - it seems odd that your GP didnt give you any positive advice or any medication or anything? I wont try to offer you supportive words because I think you will have heard them all - I just wanted you to know that I will be thinking about you and hope that things become a bit calmer for you. From what I have read of your posts - you seem a very strong person and this will help you to get through all this and hopefully there will be light at the end of the tunnel. I feel sure there will be others on here who will be able to give you better advice. Take care.🙂Bev x
awww thats crap..

Ive had alopecia twice... when I was 9 and again when I was 15, its not nice

Both times the doc said it was stress related!
Very sorry to hear about this Bernie :( I don't know much about it but I remember seeing one or two high profile cases in the news and it must be so hard for you right now. Please come in and vent whenever you want, remember we're your friends {{{{Bernie}}}}
Sorry to hear this Bernie, no wonder you are wanting a big black hole, I don't blame you.

I don't know much about this either except a (not close) friend had this and actually turned it into a positive in as much as she always fancied going blond so purchases loads and loads of wigs in all different styles and colours and boy did she have some fun with it.

I have no idea how I would take this news myself so am not for one minute suggesting you should be bouncy and happy about it but I just wanted to tell you about my friend and how she handled it. Her hair is now growing back after a year ish and it is pure white, which really suits her but she loves her wigs still.

Take care and I hope that what I have written is not insensitive, it is not supposed to be. x
Thank you for your all your kind words. I've missed you all 🙂

Bev - I am a strong person...sort of...I can get anxious which at a time like this isn't too good. I am looking for that light but its dark in here at the moment.
Hotchop - thats what my doctor said it was stress related but the internet has been the devils tool for me and when you look it all up you wish you hadn't!! Its scarey as it doesn't give you any hard/fast answers and what will be will be as they say.
Sugarbum - Your offer sounds cool beans 🙂 .. shame i can't pop into the land of stripey sunshine on a prison visit for a pint 😉 (obviously work related - i shan't be committing crimes anytime soon lol). Thank you for your offer of chatting too...i know where you are thank you.
Northe and Am64 - Thanks for your hugs...i feel them virtually 🙂 I have been feeling that 'unfair' thing going on. And Northe, i thought you were talking about my high profile cases (thinking yes, the stress lol) but realised you meant about alopecia. There's been much talk about Gail Porter as after 5 years her hair's grown back.
Adrienne - No offence taken. I keep joking that i have always wanted to be a blonde through tears and trying to not let others feel awkward i guess. I like the idea of turning into a positive...after all its not going to kill me. Its just right now...very hard.

I know where you all are...thank you...i was scared to even write again but need to snap out of that silly thought as you are all so lovely.

Bernie xx
Sorry to hear of your woes Bernie, as usual I ain't going to be much help but if you fancy a chat or just a moan feel free.
Sorry to hear about everything, we have missed you here. You know if you have a problem or want to have a moan this is the place to share it. I hope you feel better for telling us all about everything, and if it's any help real men do cry if they need to.
Bernie, sorry to hear you're having a hard time, hope you find some sunshine quick sharp.

Look after yourself, and remember we are here for you girl.

Rossi 🙂
Bernie so sorry you have had to go through this, lovely to see you back posting though, keep strong and take heed in Rossi macs signature it is true x

edit-oops he has taken it off now but it did say chin up,theres light at the end of the tunnel cliche but true X
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Sorry to here that Bernie, (((big hugs)))
Thank you everyone....i want to find that sparkle and strength but its proving hard. It feels like a long wait...it takes about 3-6 months before you see the light. Thats a loooooong time. I just hope it doesn't progress but no-one knows. Horrible feeling.

Thanks for all your hugs and support, its much appreciated.

Bernie xx
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