Im Sorry! I am here to stay, but its thanks to you all..

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello everyone, IamLawrie here, previously my username here was 47XXY and the account before that was GreenArmy.

I appreciate those that were concerned enough to ask the admins to ensure I was OK, when I said, I wont be a burden anymore, it went way out of context, I meant under the previous username, I have no intention to self harm or worse. So in a way this post is an apology from me to you all, and also its made me realise you all truly care about me, and that has come at a good time because im not coping too well, I need the support of you all here, I am really struggling, my Drs are still no help, I have got Klinefelters Syndrome and the only thing that has changed was an apology from the diabetes team for failing me.

So THANK-YOU everyone for being human and caring, this means so much to me,

Lawrie x
No need to apologise, I’m autistic and can’t read the context so sometimes I’m not sure how to interpret comments like that. We do all care about you, so it’s good you’re keeping an account, and hopefully you know we’re here when you need us.
Hello and welcome back Lawrie, more than pleased to see you again please stick around and stay safe.
So pleased to see you posting again. This forum has been an enormous help to me and I have good clinical support. I really feel for you because I know you haven't had good support from your GP practice or hospital with your diabetes and leaving the forum seemed like you were cutting off a lifeline. Living with diabetes can be scary and isolating so comparing notes with others in the same boat is really helpful and reassuring, as well as enlightening, so I hope you stick around.

Feel free to talk in detail about your diabetes if you like, so that we can help you more. I can't remember which insulins you are using and with you changing your username and deleting previous accounts I can't access that info, so apart from you having Klinefelters which I remember because I had to look it up to find out about it, and you being down on the south coast and being a photographer, I can't remember much detail about your diabetes, apart from your levels being persistently pretty high, which is obviously not good, so I hope you will let us help you with that.
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Thanks everyone, things are still pretty much the same as before, just this time I have told the NHS / Mental Health Team to basically stick it where the sun dont shine as im not waiting 2 years for 'therapy' I am however going to pay for private counselling, its been a tough few years and im not waiting another two for help, lets get it done now then I can recover properly, am still working my butt off as some of you know I had issue with Pip (Dont judge me) some person did just that, I have my reasons for claiming not just diabetes. I have since speaking to you all got a dentist sorted out be it private. I am in the middle of changing Drs too. My diabetes bloods are on the high side but that might e due to the way the world is, my ptsd and stress.. I do eat too much salt, so am constantly drinking.. any ideas for snacks would be welcome, with a low salt count great. Anyways thats all there is from me for now, apologies for the delay in writing back.
Oh, - I am on NovoRapid between 8 ans 12 units before a meal and also Toujeo - 50 units every 24 hours (at night).
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