"I'm SO SORRY!!!"

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Okay so the past couple of nights I have gone hypo around 3am. Each time I turn on a lamp so I can find my kit and test, which usually disturbs my partner slightly. I always end up going "I'M SO SORRY, I JUST NEED TO GET MY TESTING KIT!"

Why do I feel the need to apologise?? Haha he knows I need to test. I find it amusing that when I go low, I started shouting apologies for things that don't need one! :D

Anyone else do that?!
I don't apologise but if I do have hypo feelings I try to be as quiet as I can until I've tested.
If my reading is particularly low, say 2.5 or so, then I would wake my wife to get her to watch me until my BG came back up to the correct level. This is either cruel or sensible depending on your point of view.
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