I'm really worried about why my BG keeps dropping

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I'm really worried about why my BG keeps dropping and sometimes it drops either while I'm eating or soon after. After I've finished eating I keep having a couple of biscuits around 15g extra carbs so not included with my mealtime carbs to try and stop the drops.

Tues 15/2/22
23:07 before bed 5.9
20:20 before tea 7.5
20:04 before tea 5.1 had 5 dextrose tablets
19:48 before tea 4.2 had 5 dextrose tablets
14:36 before lunch 8.2
14:18 before lunch 4.9 had 4 dextrose tablets
14:02 before lunch 4.4 had 5 dextrose tablets
10:05 before breakfast 10.3
7:05 waking 10.2

Mon 14/2/22
23:05 before bed 7.0
19:42 before tea 7.8
14:19 before lunch 11.7
10:07 before breakfast 11.4
9:35 before breakfast 5.7 had 5 dextrose tablets
6:48 waking 15.6 did 2.5u correction

Sun 13/2/22
22:23 before bed 5.2
18:55 before tea 6.5
14:42 before lunch 8.9
14:19 before lunch 3.7 had 4 dextrose tablets
14:02 before lunch 4.0 had 5 dextrose tablets
10:02 before breakfast 7.5
7:09 waking 8.5

Sat 12/2/22
00:04 before bed 4.8
20:28 before tea 9.8
20:12 before tea 5.6 had 3 dextrose tablets
19:46 before tea 5.0 had 5 dextrose tablets
15:35 before lunch 7.7
15:19 before lunch 4.4 had 3 dextrose tablets
15:02 before lunch 4.6 had 5 dextrose tablets
10:26 before breakfast 8.9
7:33 waking 9.3

Fri 11/2/22
22:44 before bed 7.6
19:51 before tea 12.5
17:42 5.0 had 5 dextrose tablets
14:16 before lunch 7.0
13:19 before lunch 4.1 had 5 dextrose tablets
10:09 before breakfast 9.9
9:49 before breakfast 5.6 had 5 dextrose tablets
7:04 waking 16.3 did a 3.0u correction

Thur 10/2/22
23:31 before bed 8.0
19:44 before tea 9.7
19:14 before tea 5.3 had 5 dextrose tablets
13:57 before lunch 6.6
13:41 before lunch 5.5 had 5 dextrose tablets
9:50 before breakfast 13.2
7:24 waking 10.5
Your blood sugars usually go up a bit overnight and then drop down again in the morning most days. I think I’d do a morning basal test first, if that seems to show all OK then perhaps your carb ratio needs a tweak, that can happen! In fact possibly your lunch time carb ratio needs a tweak also, you need to be sure that your basal dose is correct first though because if that’s wrong then nothing works. That day you overslept and woke up perfectly in range would suggest that the basal is OK but you don’t know what was happening while you were asleep and it might have changed since then.
Re too much basal that also worries me because over the last few months I've gone from 18/20u of tresiba to currently 11u.

So basal testing it is then :(

So if my usual mealtimes are what I've listed below what times would you start each basal test for morning, afternoon, evening and overnight?

breakfast - around 9am to 10am
lunch - around 1:30pm to 2pm ish
tea - around 6pm ish to 7pm ish
bedtime - 10pm ish 11pm ish...
Golly it’s ages since I did a proper one but if I remember rightly it goes like this.
Breakfast - just don’t eat anything, start testing hourly as soon as you wake up, leave it as late as you can before eating lunch.
Lunch - eat breakfast as soon as possible after you wake up, as low carb as possible is a good idea, test starts 4 hours after that because you have to wait for your bolus insulin to be gone. So really if you eat breakfast at 7 then you can’t start the test properly until 11 which is nearly lunch time anyway for some people! Then leave it as late as you can before eating your tea.
Tea time - eat lunch early and try not to eat too many carbs, test starts 4 hours after that, test up to bed time. Up to you whether you have a bed time snack to fend off the hunger pangs, I know you don’t like taking bolus insulin just before bed, maybe have something low carb like eggs or cheese?
Overnight - early tea, start testing when you go to bed, usually people only test 2 hourly overnight because waking yourself up every hour and then going back to sleep again would be next to impossible!

You’ve done these before so hopefully remember what to do, don’t try and do them all too quickly leave at least a day or two in between. Obviously if you should go really high or really low you have to abandon the test and then try again another day, if the same thing happens then there’s your answer!
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