I'm really struggling

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've had another couple of hypo's one was yesterday afternoon and the other was just before bed and then I woke up to a 13.1 this morning.

I'm so sick and tired of this all I've had 8 hypo's in 3 days which is just ridiculous :(

When I had the 2.5 hypo last night I just sat there crying for ages. I always think that I've accepted this and then I get a few days like this and I end up feeling like I haven't really I just bury it until the next bad day comes along and then I'm back to square one again.

Sorry I know I keep moaning lately but I just feel like nobody understands apart from you guys.
Hi Emma,

Sorry to hear things aren't getting much better for you hun :(

I think it would be worth talking to your DSN about your doses/insulin. Maybe they're not right for you?
Any idea why it's happening now? Whatever the cause, I really hope it levels off for you soon.
Big hugs Emma, you are having a tough time of it at the mo, especially with Jessica to look after too. I agree with Laura, might be time to see your dsn, have you seen them muchsince the birth?
Any idea why it's happening now? Whatever the cause, I really hope it levels off for you soon.

I've got no idea :confused: nothing has changed I put my lantus down last night by 1 unit I know it's not a lot but I don't want things to swing the other way. I don't feel unwell like a cold is coming or anything. I suppose the only thing is I have been really stressed lately with lots of things but I don't know whether that would cause all this.
Big hugs Emma, you are having a tough time of it at the mo, especially with Jessica to look after too. I agree with Laura, might be time to see your dsn, have you seen them muchsince the birth?

Haven't seen them since I gave birth to Jessica. Thing is my old dsn left just before christmas so I now don't have anyone who I feel like I can talk to.
Emma hun, there will be someone there who you can talk to and get to know. I hardly ever get to see my allocated DSN but all the nurses there know most of medical history and are lovely and friendly.
Haven't seen them since I gave birth to Jessica. Thing is my old dsn left just before christmas so I now don't have anyone who I feel like I can talk to.

I kinda feel like im the same boat at the minute emma, its a hard job to cope with at the minute, what with looking after the little one.
My appointment is in 4 weeks but only with the dsn, I really wanted to see katrina my consultant as i seen her every week when I was pregnant, Its more hypos than highs im having, and weird ones lately to be honest, as in I went out for tea for OHs birthday on wed and my bm was 3.5 before we ordered so I just got a can of fat coke, then had steak and chips and sticky toffee pud and half of his can of coke... I didnt bother with insulin until we got in. So I checked and I was on 3.9 😱
Ill not bother telling you what was going through my head which colin had actually vocalised.... suffice to say I only got my depo provera contraceptive on tuesday and I hadnt abstained before it 😱 (sorry Tmi)

I think its just my levels trying to figure themselves out (well I HOPE its the problem) I expect your the same due to looking after jess, having other worries and the fact you have started with youe exercise and diet :confused: xxxxx
I kinda feel like im the same boat at the minute emma, its a hard job to cope with at the minute, what with looking after the little one.
My appointment is in 4 weeks but only with the dsn, I really wanted to see katrina my consultant as i seen her every week when I was pregnant, Its more hypos than highs im having, and weird ones lately to be honest, as in I went out for tea for OHs birthday on wed and my bm was 3.5 before we ordered so I just got a can of fat coke, then had steak and chips and sticky toffee pud and half of his can of coke... I didnt bother with insulin until we got in. So I checked and I was on 3.9 😱
Ill not bother telling you what was going through my head which colin had actually vocalised.... suffice to say I only got my depo provera contraceptive on tuesday and I hadnt abstained before it 😱 (sorry Tmi)

I think its just my levels trying to figure themselves out (well I HOPE its the problem) I expect your the same due to looking after jess, having other worries and the fact you have started with youe exercise and diet :confused: xxxxx

Thanks lou that really helped. Me and my hubby had the exact same conversation last night but I know that can't be the problem xxxx
I hope you are feeling better. regular hypos can't be much fun. Keep a note of when they happen and what you have been doing or eaten and how you are feeling to see if things fall into a pattern.
Emma, sorry that you are having such a hard time of it lately with the hypo's it must be very tiring and worrying.

Hope things get better for you and that you feel better soon.
Thanks everyone. Hopefully this weekend will be nice and relaxing and I can get my bg's under control again x
Thanks everyone. Hopefully this weekend will be nice and relaxing and I can get my bg's under control again x

Hi Emma sorry only just catching up hun so im abit late to the thread, I do hope things become more settled hun and you have a nice relax at the weekend x

You know the socre anytime you need to PM my doors always open xxx
Hi Emma sorry only just catching up hun so im abit late to the thread, I do hope things become more settled hun and you have a nice relax at the weekend x

You know the socre anytime you need to PM my doors always open xxx

Thank you that means a lot to me, your a star 😉 xxx
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