I'm on strike from this diabetes lark

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Worst day in history

woke at 4.9 - bowl of cornflakes. Boluses as per with it, half expecting to go high. Get to work and I'm at 2.2 and my vision is all over the shop.

Pre lunch 12.2 WHAAAATTTT? Normally the hypo remedy i use - 5 glucotabs and a digestive buiscuit sents me to perfect levels. Not this time.

So I have lunch. Its carb counted correctly (I had to go and buy something - it was a hot pasty from co-op yuck) and split the dose accordingly

later 17.7 😱 I felt awful. Really awful. Coupled with a conversation that really upset me, I had to escape for a bit and sat with my friend while he had a smoke.

12.7 just before I left.

Then a chat with my boss that left me reeling, and very upset. After 31st of this month, I will have no job. Apparently he has no funding to keep another archaeologist on...yet he can happily take on and keep on my friend 😡 I had to hold it together whilst I told him all I wanted was the experience, that I was capable of watching briefs etc. But nope, nothing doing.

The job hunt starts again.

Then, as I'm running around ASDA, I start feeling panicy, and there's this massive bunny picture on the easter egg isle floor. It made me freak out. 2.2. Lots of tears and feeling very rubbish.


I hate this. Today sucks. I dont want diabetes and all I want to do is dig. But I'm being shot down at every turn and I hate it
Aw crikey, what a shocker of a day! Not sure what to say but just hang in there. Was the 2.2 lower this morning than it said so you had a rebound from the liver kicking glucogen out?

Hi Sam ..

Aw hun sending you hugs .. what a day you've had

I cant really say much other than what Becca has ... has it been a dump of glucose from liver??

no idea about the glucose dump

was just well annoying :( I was very unhappy :(
Aw Sam, you had a dreadful day, I'm sorry. Can you use this as ammunition for getting a pump?

Big Hugs.
Aw Sam, you had a dreadful day, I'm sorry. Can you use this as ammunition for getting a pump?

Big Hugs.

shall i add it to the rest of the file ? whens your appointment ?
shall i add it to the rest of the file ? whens your appointment ?

dunno, no letter yet, probably wont get it for months *shrug* stupid consultant
Sam sorry to hear about your job. I think it calls for a session of FF13!
Sorry to hear you are having such a rubbish time.
Hang in there and know we are all rooting for you!

I hope your day is better than yesterday. So sorry to hear about all the bad things going on for you at the moment :(

We are all here for you if you need virtual shoulders to cry on or friendly ears to rant at
There is always someone or something that makes you realise how lucky you are

🙂Hi! Salmon Puff!

I hope you feeling a bit brighter today. Boy did you get it on all four barrels!!!

I always find when Im feeling really blue that if I think of how other people cope with life's knocks of the worst kind and still come up smiling, inspirational.
Think of people Like Simon Weston, Horribley burned in the Falklands Conflict. Had to have his face rebuilt and lost several fingers.
When they bought him home in the hospital ship his mum saw him being taken off the ship and said "Oh! Poor boy! He was so badly burned she did not know it was her own son.
Now look at him. He is one of life's very special people who got through the bad bits and is now a consumate humanitarian and does so much to raise money for the charities he champions.
Thinking about how he got through the pain and the mental scars and the rejection and ridicule he faces every day when people stare and poke fun at his still disfigured face. BUT Boy! what a fantastic man.
You too have some really great character traits that are unique to you and make you a special person. You just gotta stop feeling sorry for yourself, dust your self off and get your toosh back out there.
Have you tried contacting Wessex Achiology to see if there are any digs you could join on as a volunteer to gain the experience. Also how about the ancient technologies centre in Cranbourne. they might be able to point you in the right direction. Good luck, Chin up and Keep on Truckin!!
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