I'm Off!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Have been feeling a bit down for the last month, but.....

.....very soon (days!) i'll be off on my trip! (Which i couldn't have done if I'd been pregnant). The plan is to walk form the Atlantic Ocean to the Med, along the line of the Pyreneese. There's a long distane footpath. Carrying everything, sleeping out..... can't wait.

The worst bit is carrying about 3kg of diabetic stuff! (and sweets can be VERY heavy when you take enough of them). Bought a cheap bracelet and wrote 'diabetic' on it today in case anyone finds me unconcious (pleasant thought).

So..... have a wonderful month everybody - and if not, have a contructive one. Get a little bit closer to living your dreams.
Wow Lizzie - sounds great! I hope you have a brilliant time and come and tell us all your exploits! Hope you stay safe and have the best time ever.🙂Bev
Wow Lizzie, that sounds great. My OH is from D'Onostia (San Sebastian) which is close to the Pyrenees on the Spanish side of the border. It's gorgeous there. Have fun and bring back loads of pictures.
Lizzzie, I hope you have a wonderful time - I'm sure you will! I was going to do that walk years ago, but got put off (wimp that I am!) by those rope ladders in precarious places 😱 Maybe things have changed in the last 20 years.

Stay safe, take lots of pictures and if you ever get the chance to get online and let us know how you are doing we would love to hear from you 🙂
keep us informed of your progress and good luck ...sounds like a trip of a life time x🙂
Hi Lizzie, I'd love to hear a blow by blow account, Are you doing the high level route?
We've been doing bits of the Camino de Santiago on the GR 65, I have a dream of walking out of our front door and just walking from here to Compostella. (We're actually only 20km from one of the variations)

Initially, like you we took everything but we found that we didn't have to camp and it was just as easy to use gites d'etape and the odd B&B. It might be different in the Pyrenees but try not to overload yourself. Watch your insulin, the first time I found I had to reduce my basal and my boluses and eat loads of extra carbs, wow I'm feeling really jealous and just want to pack and go for a week. (unfortunately I've got to go back to the UK next week )
Good luck.
Sounds wonderfull, have a great time. Keep safe and keep in touch.
Lizzzie -3kg of diabetic kit is far too much - just take enough sweets for the day(s) until you can buy more. What weight of other kit are you carrying? You should be able to carry 10-15kg maximum, including tent, sleeping bag & mat, stove etc, particularly if sharing with anyone else. If not sharing, then perhaps carry a bivvy bag instead of tent? Have a great trip and please tell us about it when you return.
have a great time lizzie,your trip sounds fantastic 🙂
Aw Lizzie wish I could come, sounds just great. Have a wonderful time, stay safe and well. Best wishes where err you roam.
Helen, very jealous of where you're living. Wow!

Have borrowed a very good bivvy-bag so no tent needed *yay*. There's no way I'm carrying 15kg Copepod - that's more than my aircraft luggage allowance! You're right tho, 3kg on diabetic stuff prob a bit much - have been thinking about that (and want space for camera). 2 Frio bags full is excessive, isn't it? Maybe just the one, then....

Thanks for encouragement everybody.... can't wait....
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